Ted Thompson has his shit together. He always has. Sorry he doesn't follow down the path of least resistance by resigning aged and/or non-commited football players. It would be very easy to do, as those players have contributed in the past, and the fanbase has an emotional attachment to them. Sorry he doesn't go out in the free agent market and sign "big splash" players in order to appease some folks need for off-season excitement. That would also be easy to do, as the fanbase leans toward the "big-name". He is doing what he has always done, QUIETLY doing the best thing for the Green Bay Packers, as he sees it at the time. Does he make mistakes? You bet he does. One Harrell of a lot fewer of them than he gets credit for, even when his critics have the complete luxury of 20/20 vision in HINDSIGHT. Those jerk-offs that wore those Ted Thompson Sucks/swallows shirts to Lambeau disgust me. That kid and mostly his father that told Aaron Rodgers he sucks disgust me. Anybody that continues to bash on Aaron Rodgers at this point, after all the crap he had to endure these past few months... well, I'll just speak for him, as he was as right then as I am now... You just need to support Aaron Rodgers or shut up... it really is that simple. You may not believe it, but us Ted Thompson supporters got to listen to the Favre love-fest/Ted Thompson hate-fest and grew so friggin' tired of it that many of us are absolutely convinced that those that continue to bash on Ted Thompson are not fans of the Green Bay Packers. Entitled to their opinion? Fans? NO. ... and if you think it wasn't wise to pay Aaron Rodgers this contract, this fan thinks you are either so biased against Ted Thompson and/or Aaron Rodgers that you cannot even recognize brilliance when it's staring you right in the face... so like my boy Aaron said, I think you ought to just shut up about it.... FOR ONCE.
"dhazer" wrote: