10 years ago
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This is being billed as Ice Bowl II.

Green Bay Packers ( 12 - 4 )
[list]Total Offense = 6th
Passing Offense = 8th
Rushing Offense = 11th

Total Defense = 15th
Passing Defense = 10th
Rushing Defense = 23rd

Points For = 30.4 (1st)
Points Against = 21.8 (13th)[/list]

Dallas Cowboys ( 12 - 4 )
  • Total Offense = 7th
  • Passing Offense = 16th
  • Rushing Offense = 2nd

  • Total Defense = 19th
  • Passing Defense = 26th
  • Rushing Defense = 8th

  • Points For = 29.2 (5th)
  • Points Against = 22.0 (15th)[/list]
  • UserPostedImage

    Delivering the latest and most important updates on the Green Bay Packers for your convenience.
    Mucky Tundra
    10 years ago
    “Nah. I like having the island. It’s pretty cool...not too many visitors”
    "I’ve got it." -Aaron Rodgers
    10 years ago
    The way that game went down really bothered me.

    Can this team face two tough teams without shitting themselves? We'll see.
    “Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing. You don't do things right once in a while…you do them right all the time.”
    10 years ago
    Well The Lions get screwed. Jerry must have called in a favor.

    His reward is bringing his 'Boys to Lambeau.

    Capers will dial up blitzes all game that Romo has never seen.

    This game will be over with by halftime.

    Not even worried.

    Packers should be facing Cam and his guys.

    Packers 42 ' - Boys 17

    BOOK IT!
    I was addicted to The Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around!
    10 years ago
    I'm expecting a close game. The game is likely to come down to injuries, a lucky break/turnovers, or whose D gets off the field better.

    Both offenses and defenses are close: Dallas runs the ball better, and stops the run better; GB passes better and stops the pass better.

    GB 28 - Dal 24
    10 years ago
    I am not one to hold a grudge. Although, I still hate the Cowboys for the 90's. The Packers are not a cold weather team. The more cold it is, the more fragile they get. They will get run over and it sucks that it's the Cowboys who will again end our hopes.

    Packers 24
    Cowboys 33