10 years ago
Over the last 8 years I have seen a plethora of Packers sites come and go and here we are hitting day 3,000 of being on the interGoogle of fame. That's pretty neat isn't it?

With today being New Years Eve, it got me reminiscing. Throughout the existence of PackersHome, my life has went through an abundant amount of changes. From difficult losses of my mother, both grandma's, a best friend since childhood, the only grandpa I've known, my first nephew to amazing adventures of traveling throughout the country, graduation college, starting my career, having the opportunity to live in Colorado for nearly 18 months, going to several Packers games one of which was a playoff game with dad and my girls, becoming an uncle, Keiana and Rebecca living with me full time and Scarlett being born. It has been an incredible time and through it all, PackersHome has the one constant for me.

One thing I've learned is we all fall down and it is how we pick ourselves up that define who we are. Always pick yourself.

Enough about me. Here's a few statistical tidbits about our PackersHome.

Users 34% retained
3,177 - total amount of users that have registered
1,091 - current amount of Users

Topics 75% retained
22,832 - total amount of topics created
17,237 - current amount of Topics

Posts 95% retained
301,451 - total amount of posts submitted
286,377 - current amount of Posts

That's over 8 years worth of posts with only removed 5% during that period. That's remarkable.

Our Facebook Page has over 1,450 "Like"
Our Facebook account has nearly 1,850 "Friend"
Our Twitter account has over 500 followers

Thank you all for making my hobbies interesting.

Update: you can embed Facebook statuses now too.