I agree 100%.
First part, you shouldn't want others to leave, you should want others to join in the discussion. If you throw down 1,000 words after 1,000 words, people will not want to participate because they are overwhelmed, just like DarkaneRules is implying. Novels are not necessary. Lighten up, get your point out and discuss. We are each Packers fans after all.
Last part, the Packers are doing very well when you consider the mass 32 teams and ignore the Madden'like expectations. This is real world. Families are involved in Free Agent decisions. Money. And a plethora of other factors. To solely say Ted Thompson is not doing his job is ignoring the whole picture and being somewhat narrow minded --- in my opinion.
Thompson deserves to be extended. How many GM's have done better than him? Who is out there that gives hope of doing better? It's not the right time for a regime change, plain and simple.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool