My daughter Grace has started a team to raise money for the St. Baldrick's Day fundraiser. All proceeds go to research for childhood cancers. As you know, Grace's twin Mia survived a cancerous brain tumor three years ago, and our family has been involved in several of these types of things throughout the year. I know times are tough for everyone, but if you can donate something, I'd really appreciate it. If you want to drive to Bismarck for a free hair cut - that can be an option as well. [grin1] I haven't given an update on Mia in a while. She's doing really well. She's back to dancing with her team, which makes her really happy. I feel a little bad for her because she's never fully regained her coordination, so she's a little slower and less fluid than the other girls. She also has a little trouble in math class - she isn't able to process multiplication problems quickly. Her Neurologist said that is normal with all the trauma the surgery caused her brain. All in all though, there really isn't too much for us to complain about. Our little girl is alive and isn't suffering with constant headaches anymore. Mia was cheated out of some of her childhood but is a pretty well adjusted child. Just need to toughen her up more, but that goes for all the blondes in the house.