I am all for sending a message to our elected officials. Just not by throwing away my presidential vote. And its not short term thinking, it is hopeful thinking. I am certain that Obama is wrong for the country. I am certain we cannot tax our way out of the deficit or debt. But the office of the president is to important to throw away or vote for somebody who doesn't stand a chance. If we let Obama stay in office, we are telling him he is doing ok. He isn't, and that alone is enough to not deserve a 2nd term.
Personally I don't think taxes should be raised or lowered at this point. Not until we as a country really go through our budget and cut spending to a bare minimum and determine where and what we are actually spending on. Many things can be moved to the private sector and off tax payer dime. TSA for example, 8 billion dollars, there is no reason private security cannot fill that role. 911 was not the fault of the people working security, it was just the policies. But they freaked and went overboard. Privatize them again, and not only do you move that 8 billion off the government budget, but you remove the future burden of those government worker retirements.
Herman Cain was on the right track when he said bills should be limited to 3 pages. While that may not be possible the concept is correct. We don't need 2000 page bills that not even one person knows everything in them. They need to be simple. Look at Obamacare. If it is a good idea to insure our young adults until they are 26, you right that as a bill, submit it, debate it, vote and implement. And move on to the next bill. The reason things take so long is because each bill has 200 different things on and each piece gets debated and edited before being voted on in one house, and then the same in the other house and then needs to be reconciled. Things would not only get done quicker and more efficiently, but there would be no question on where a politician stands on the issues. They couldn't blame somebody for being anit-military, because they voted a bill down because of the crap that was added into the bill.
We can send a message, through our state governments and Congress. Vote any incumbent out, make sure that each seat is not only contested by the opposite party, but by a 3rd party and the incumbents own party. We vote enough 3rd party politicians into congress, and they have no choice but to work together.
Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins