There have been plenty of stories that have come out from former players that they had incentive programs for bit hits. The distinction from the beginning has been pay for hit vs. pay for injury.
Originally Posted by: mi_keys
The problem with the whole "bountygate" is that the Paying to Injure was and still is blown out of proportion. They all played up the Williams speech for the 49ers game, where he talks about putting a hit on and testing Crabtree's (i believe) ACL. They want us to believe that he meant that, that he wanted somebody to go an intentionally hit and take out his ACL, yet they completely ignore just a few seconds before that when he was saying to "We have to kill Frank Gore's head". Now none of them believe that Williams actually wanted somebody to go out and Kill gore. I highly doubt that part of the speech was meant figurative and the other part literal.
Vilma's I put 10K on Favre. Don't know for certain, but I am pretty positive, that Vilma didn't show up at that defensive meeting with a check or 10K in cash to throw in. It was nothing but a symbolic statement. It know different than somebody saying. I'll bet my house, or I'll bet my soul.
The NFL had rules about no bounties, yet all teams did. Even our Packers, and the SOP had been. If it comes out and the NFL looks at it, the say. We addressed this issue and took care of it internal and it won't happen again. At which point the players go back to doing it, just making sure they hide it better. That is what the Saints did. They were told to stop, they said, OK and when the NFL left they went back to it again.
Saints were just used as an example so the NFL can make it look like they actually care about players.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!