Yes, my name is finally accurate! Heck I'm already a project manager now.
Life's been good, but very busy. Feel like age is starting to catch up, can't do live games much these days. Wish I could have shared that 15-1 season with you guys. That would have been fun.
How is the old crew? Everyone still around? Any news?
Also, lol @ you guys, still the same humour I see 😃. Great to be back!
Originally Posted by: TheEngineer
Congratulations on finally becoming an Engineer, you worked hard for it....and good to see you again!
Hmmm....Project Manager, eh?
A man walks into a pet store, and he wants to buy a monkey.
He looks at the first monkey and, well, the monkey looks normal, he's doing normal monkey things, and the guy asks, "How much for this monkey?"
The store manager replies "$5000."
The guy says, "$5000? Are you kidding? That's daylight robbery!"
The store manager explains: "You see, this is a programmer monkey. He knows a little bit of VB6."
The guy continues to look around, and notices another monkey doing really interesting hoops in his cage. Clearly this is a very bright monkey. The guy asks, "Well then how much for this one?"
The store manager replies, "$10000"
The guy is flabbergasted. "Wow, you really are kidding me this time!"
The store manager explains: "You see, this monkey can do C#, Java, AND C++. He's a really smart monkey."
So the guy decides that he needs to aim lower, and keeps looking around until he notices a really dull monkey who is really not doing anything, just sitting in a corner, obviously quite low IQ. The guy thinks to himself, this monkey is more my speed, I think ... He asks, "OK, how much for this one?"
The store manager replies, "Oh this monkey is $50,000."
The guy yells back, "GIVE ME A BREAK! What is so great about this monkey?"
The store manager explains: "Well, I'm not sure, he just sits around all day, does nothing, and calls himself a Project Manager."