I have major issues with the two party system, besides the other party being completely whacked. But it is hard if not impossible to get it changed when those who would need to change it are one of the two parties.
In order to make change, legitimate 3rd parties need to get into power at the state level and congress. While not an official party, the Tea Party movement has tried to get fiscal conservatives into power through the republican party. and has had some success. If those conservatives now broke away from republicans for say the libertarian party, that would help establish them as more legitimate. Problem is, that weakens the power of republicans and not democrats and the next election democrats would beat both parties because of splitting the vote.
I think now both parties fear that 3rd party candidate will infiltrate and get seats and then leave the party. so they are nominating less center leaning candidates.
One 3rd party needs to stand up, and make a real push, with real funding.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!