Email from dad:
Hi to all,
It's been awhile since I have sent out an update, but there really wasn't much to tell as recent chemo's went well and no real news to tell. This past Friday however was my doctor appointment along with chemo, and the results of the last CT-scan. Chemo went well as to be expected. Brother Paul from Mason City Iowa came to join me, along with Tasha so it was a nice time and visit. Hilly dropped me off and stayed for the doctor appointment (she had a meeting so she left awhile later).
Well I wished I could say the CT-scan was encouraging, but it really isn't. I will copy the results impression from the report: Interval worsening of hepatic metastatic disease with increase in size and number of multiple hepatic masses. Interval increase in retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy. Internal increase in right basilar pulmonary nodule. Compared to the previous examination extensive hepatic metastatic disease has increased in size and number diffusely throughout the liver parenchyma. Representative measures are difficult to determine due to many of these metastatic nodules coalescing and becoming large, confluent, metastatic deposits. Heterogenous attenuation within the spleen likely is due to phase of contrast administration, however, along the superior aspect of the spleen there is a focal appearing mass on image 48 of series 3, concerning for a splenic metastatic deposit. Prominent retroperitoneal lymph node effaces the superior aspect of the proximal pancreatic body on image 63 of series 3.
The doctor pointed out that the last CT-scan prior to this one has a bad image quality. Basically he thinks that the worsening of most of the report is not real as he thinks the quality shows not much detail. Thus making this CT-scan looking worse than last. However, he concurs with the fact that there is worsening of the lymph nodes. Several nodes are larger. I guess we will see when we have our next scan. This wont be for at least 6 weeks however. The doctor will keep same chemo regimen plus adding xeloda pills (that I was taking last year) to the mix with half the dose I did before. Xeloda was the chemo drug that really affects my hands and feet. Killing the nerves, taking away my finger prints and causing a very tender feel.
I continue to take things one day at a time. I know that I have an extensive prayer group support from all of my family and friends. I thank you all for the support you give me. Paul is going to set up a "Caring Bridge" site for me. It will be up soon.
That's about all for now. I Love you all,
Thanks to TheViking88 for the sig!!