Odd, I can see all but two of them now. These pictures remind me of sights I saw all the time in Iraq.
I am thankful your family is all intact. The capriciousness of tornadoes never ceases to amaze me. They can destroy the most powerful of things and leave some of the most delicate intact. Drive straw into a tree trunk but carry a baby many miles through the air and set him safely on the ground. Your relatives all experienced minor injuries, but some of their figurines were hardly scratched.
It's always humbling to realize just how weak and helpless those shells we trust in really are against the awesome forces of nature.
I would never wish this kind of experience on anyone. I just hope that instead of driving a wedge between them, it actually brings them closer to each other in the end.
Thanks for sharing their story with us.
Originally Posted by: Nonstopdrivel