13 years ago

But this almost never happens in overtime, and that is just my problem with it.

I think that both teams should get a chance to touch the ball, but for a different reason than many other people. I certainly have a strong sense of fair play, and when my team doesn't get to touch the ball, I complain just as much as the next guy. But for me, the biggest problem with sudden death in football is the way it changes the game itself. Solid, aggressive, offensive play gets sacrificed for plodding, conservative plays designed to get the offense just inside field goal range. The touchdowns -- the most exciting event in football -- are deemphasized almost to the point of nonexistence in favor of the much less thrilling field goal. I would rather see coaches settle for field goals only as a last resort, whereas under the current overtime rules, they frequently become the primary goal. No one wants to risk the public scrutiny that comes with losing the ball due to an interception or fumble.

I would rather see a fixed overtime period instituted; whether it is five minutes or 15 is neither here nor there to me. Have the teams duke it out for the entire overtime period. If they are still tied when time expires, they either play another overtime period or the game ends in a tie -- either result would be fine with me. I have never understood what is so distasteful about ties. In many sports throughout the world, ties are a normal occurrence in league play.

I think baseball probably has the fairest "overtime" procedure, but there is no way to bring a directly analogous system to football.

By the way, for those of you who think it is "so much PC garbage" that fans would object to the flipping of a coin giving (that is, chance) giving one team a statistically significant advantage in overtime, let me ask you this: Would you be equally sanguine about the league abolishing the current rules for opening kickoffs? Would it be acceptable to you if whoever won the coin toss was allowed to receive (or kick) at the beginnings of both halves? The whole point of the current system is it largely negates the advantage of the coin flip. In a game that is supposed to be much more about strategy, strength, speed and skill than luck, what is so objectionable about that?

Originally Posted by: Nonstopdrivel 

I have always been of the opinion that an overtime period like Basketball would be the most fair. Who ever leads at the end of the extended period wins.

Maybe like half a quarter or something.
I want to go out like my Grandpa did. Peacefully in his sleep.
Not screaming in terror like his passengers.
13 years ago

Also, the idea of giving each team a chance to score is not "PC garbage." It is called fairness, which is the idea behind all rules in sports. It continually amazes me that so many people endorse rules that are patently unfair.

Originally Posted by: Greg C. 

Speaking of PC garbage, fairness is behind all rules in sports? First of all, "fair" is heavily subject to opinion. Fair is not absolute. Fair is what YOU think is fair, and not everyone agrees with you on that. I'm not saying that your opinion of fair is wrong, I'm telling you that your opinion is your opinion.

There's never been rules that are designed to protect the health and safety of quarterbacks and punters that haven't been extended to all players? In basketball, why does the player with the ball get to drive the lane and initiate physical contact with defenders as long as they don't barrel them over, but defenders can't do the same to the person with the ball? In baseball, why are the rules worded so that a runner that hits the bag at the same time he's being tagged, he's called safe?

The majority of rules ARE about trying to be as fair as possible, however there are rules designed to make the game more exciting, protect specific classes of players from injury, speed up gameplay, etc etc etc.
  • wpr
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
13 years ago

Speaking of PC garbage, fairness is behind all rules in sports? First of all, "fair" is heavily subject to opinion. Fair is not absolute. Fair is what YOU think is fair, and not everyone agrees with you on that. I'm not saying that your opinion of fair is wrong, I'm telling you that your opinion is your opinion.

There's never been rules that are designed to protect the health and safety of quarterbacks and punters that haven't been extended to all players? In basketball, why does the player with the ball get to drive the lane and initiate physical contact with defenders as long as they don't barrel them over, but defenders can't do the same to the person with the ball? In baseball, why are the rules worded so that a runner that hits the bag at the same time he's being tagged, he's called safe?

The majority of rules ARE about trying to be as fair as possible, however there are rules designed to make the game more exciting, protect specific classes of players from injury, speed up gameplay, etc etc etc.

Originally Posted by: Porforis 

Then there is the NBA All Star who is allowed to "make his move" IE: travel and not get called for it. The MLB All Star pitcher who is given 2-3 extra inches off the plate by the umpire. The All star hitter who does not get called out on strikes. NFL marquee players who are not called for their hits on defense, holding- both offense and defense players, QB's who are given the benefit of the doubt many times as well. (Instant replay protests have minimized some of what the QB use to get away with.)

In other words "if your name is 'big' enough the rules don't always apply to you".
Greg C.
13 years ago

Speaking of PC garbage, fairness is behind all rules in sports? First of all, "fair" is heavily subject to opinion. Fair is not absolute. Fair is what YOU think is fair, and not everyone agrees with you on that. I'm not saying that your opinion of fair is wrong, I'm telling you that your opinion is your opinion.

There's never been rules that are designed to protect the health and safety of quarterbacks and punters that haven't been extended to all players? In basketball, why does the player with the ball get to drive the lane and initiate physical contact with defenders as long as they don't barrel them over, but defenders can't do the same to the person with the ball? In baseball, why are the rules worded so that a runner that hits the bag at the same time he's being tagged, he's called safe?

The majority of rules ARE about trying to be as fair as possible, however there are rules designed to make the game more exciting, protect specific classes of players from injury, speed up gameplay, etc etc etc.

Originally Posted by: Porforis 

Wow, you guys are really conceding the high ground here. Of course fairness is subjective. All values are subjective, but that doesn't mean they don't matter. Are you also going to throw out morality, loyalty, respect, etc.?

You are right that there are rules that are not specifically designed to address fairness, so I guess that was an overstatement on my part. I didn't expect to be taken so literally. For example, the rule that a football field is 100 yards long has nothing to do with fairness. It is a rule that helps define the character of the game.

The bottom line for me on the OT debate is that each team should be given an equal chance to win, as much as possible, rather than having a coin flip that tips the balance toward one team right off the bat. None of the other major sports has this problem with its overtime. In baseball, the home team does have an advantage, but there is no way around that one and nobody has a problem with it.

I think the current NFL playoff OT rule pretty much gets it right. It strongly encourages the team that receives the ball to try getting a TD, rather than just picking up a few first downs and winning it with a field goal. This addresses Nonstopdrivel's point about conservative offensive play in overtime, which is unsatisfactory to a lot of people. It just feels cheap for a team to win that way.
13 years ago

Wow, you guys are really conceding the high ground here. Of course fairness is subjective. All values are subjective, but that doesn't mean they don't matter. Are you also going to throw out morality, loyalty, respect, etc.?

Originally Posted by: Greg C. 

I never said that striving for what most people consider to be fair was a bad thing in the slightest.

You are right that there are rules that are not specifically designed to address fairness, so I guess that was an overstatement on my part. I didn't expect to be taken so literally. For example, the rule that a football field is 100 yards long has nothing to do with fairness. It is a rule that helps define the character of the game.

The bottom line for me on the OT debate is that each team should be given an equal chance to win, as much as possible, rather than having a coin flip that tips the balance toward one team right off the bat. None of the other major sports has this problem with its overtime. In baseball, the home team does have an advantage, but there is no way around that one and nobody has a problem with it.

Originally Posted by: Greg C. 

Penalties for running into the kicker don't define the character of the game, but they do protect a specific class of character. I don't know if you honestly didn't see the emphasis put on the whole "Some positions get treated more fairly than others" thing or chose to just focus on something that's easier to disagree with, but again, my main point was that specific positions get special treatment, offensive players get treated differently than defensive players from a safety perspective in football as well as other sports, etc etc etc.

I think the current NFL playoff OT rule pretty much gets it right. It strongly encourages the team that receives the ball to try getting a TD, rather than just picking up a few first downs and winning it with a field goal. This addresses Nonstopdrivel's point about conservative offensive play in overtime, which is unsatisfactory to a lot of people. It just feels cheap for a team to win that way.

Originally Posted by: Greg C. 

I do agree that there are problems with the current OT situation, but in attempting to "fix" this rule, you're going to make new problems which have already been brought up in previous posts.
13 years ago

Then there is the NBA All Star who is allowed to "make his move" IE: travel and not get called for it. The MLB All Star pitcher who is given 2-3 extra inches off the plate by the umpire. The All star hitter who does not get called out on strikes. NFL marquee players who are not called for their hits on defense, holding- both offense and defense players, QB's who are given the benefit of the doubt many times as well. (Instant replay protests have minimized some of what the QB use to get away with.)

In other words "if your name is 'big' enough the rules don't always apply to you".

Originally Posted by: wpr 

While certainly true, that's more of an issue of officials enforcing rules in an unfair way, not the rules themselves being unfair.
13 years ago
I've always hated the argument that a team had chances to win it in regulation so they have no room to complain if they lose on the first possession of overtime. If regulation ended in a tie then presumably the other team that won in overtime squandered just as many opportunities in regulation as the losing team.

The fact is the current system gives an advantage to the team that wins the coin toss--an event that is decidedly and irrefutably a non-football event. Teams at every level from peewee to the pros don't go from tackling drills to practicing coin flips. We don't flip a coin to decide if a receiver got his hands under the ball on a diving catch that the refs couldn't see, we check a replay. We don't flip a coin when a touchdown is scored to see if it is worth 6 or 7 points. At no other junction in the game do we allow coin flips or any other game of chance decide any relevant aspect of the game of football. This is a game of skill, not a game of skill and chance. If you're interested in the latter watch poker.

If they kept the rules as is but changed the coin flip to a best-of-three Oklahoma drill to decide who got the ball first I would be fine with that. At least the statistical advantage of having the ball first in overtime would be decided by something football related. That said, I would just rather they adopt the college system. It is so much more entertaining and, yes, fair.
Born and bred a cheesehead
  • wpr
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
13 years ago

While certainly true, that's more of an issue of officials enforcing rules in an unfair way, not the rules themselves being unfair.

Originally Posted by: Porforis 

Point is that even when there are rules to determine "fairness" life(games) still ends up being unfair. Oh well.
  • wpr
  • Preferred Member Topic Starter
13 years ago

I've always hated the argument that a team had chances to win it in regulation so they have no room to complain if they lose on the first possession of overtime. If regulation ended in a tie then presumably the other team that won in overtime squandered just as many opportunities in regulation as the losing team.

Originally Posted by: mi_keys 

I guess you hate my perspective. I can live with it even if I don't hate yours. Both teams probably did squander opportunities. Maybe it was the fickle finger of fate that ruined it for one of the teams more so than poor play. Who knows. Perhaps an unexpected, untimely gust of wind that blew the FG attempt wide. Maybe it was a bird flying through the area that got "Randy Johnson-ed" and ruined the PAT.

The fact is the current system gives an advantage to the team that wins the coin toss--an event that is decidedly and irrefutably a non-football event.

Originally Posted by: mi_keys 

yes, so? The visiting team is the one calling the toss. They are at a statistical disadvantage because they are playing on the road. Calling the toss even things up a bit. Coin tosses are not a "non-football event". They have been using coin tosses since the beginning at the start of the game. It is therefore, a football event.

Teams at every level from peewee to the pros don't go from tackling drills to practicing coin flips. We don't flip a coin to decide if a receiver got his hands under the ball on a diving catch that the refs couldn't see, we check a replay. We don't flip a coin when a touchdown is scored to see if it is worth 6 or 7 points. At no other junction in the game do we allow coin flips or any other game of chance decide any relevant aspect of the game of football. This is a game of skill, not a game of skill and chance. If you're interested in the latter watch poker.

Originally Posted by: mi_keys 

silly analogy. The coin flip is only to determine who goes first. Not to determine the outcome of any play. The offense still has to execute. The defense still has to collapse in order for a team to win on the first possession. The team winning the toss only wins about a third of the time. With the kickoff being moved up the percent will decrease. Even knows this before hand. It is equitable for both teams.

And by the way there is indeed chance involved in a game. Players combine their skill with chance. On a timing pass, it is a chance that the DB will miss read and break left when the receiver breaks right. The QB can't wait and see what happens. He throws not knowing for certain. A defender takes a chance when he jumps a route and anticipates where the throw is going to be. Certainly there is skill involved but it is not skill alone.

If they kept the rules as is but changed the coin flip to a best-of-three Oklahoma drill to decide who got the ball first I would be fine with that. At least the statistical advantage of having the ball first in overtime would be decided by something football related. That said, I would just rather they adopt the college system. It is so much more entertaining and, yes, fair.

Originally Posted by: mi_keys 

Lobby for it, get it passed and I will be fine with it.
Equal possessions for peewee and high school is fine with me. Not so much in college (don't like it but I will tolerate it) nor at the professional level.
13 years ago

I guess you hate my perspective. I can live with it even if I don't hate yours. Both teams probably did squander opportunities. Maybe it was the fickle finger of fate that ruined it for one of the teams more so than poor play. Who knows. Perhaps an unexpected, untimely gust of wind that blew the FG attempt wide. Maybe it was a bird flying through the area that got "Randy Johnson-ed" and ruined the PAT.

Originally Posted by: wpr 

Though I don't think you took it this way it was nothing personal, I just disagree with you on this issue. Wind is part of the game (unless you're a pansy from Minnesota and you play indoors). Kickers are supposed to compensate for the elements. If they fail to do so it is on them. Odds are if weather was a factor it was a factor for both teams for most if not all of the game. How often has a bird been struck by a field goal or extra point? How often have animals in general significantly impacted the outcome of an important play?

yes, so? The visiting team is the one calling the toss. They are at a statistical disadvantage because they are playing on the road. Calling the toss even things up a bit. Coin tosses are not a "non-football event". They have been using coin tosses since the beginning at the start of the game. It is therefore, a football event.

Originally Posted by: wpr 

How? Who calls the toss is irrelevant. They have a 50% chance of being right. There is no strategy or ability involved in a coin toss. The away team is just as likely to win the coin toss if they call it as they would be if the home team called it. Coin tosses are a "non-football event" insomuch as they are irrelevant to any skill, attribute, quality, or thought process you would develop from playing the game. The two teams could just as easily play rock, paper, scissors at the start of a game to decide who kicks off and it would not have the slightest impact on the game of football. If you lined up Clay Matthews with a 1st grader at a local elementary school and had them play 1,000,000 games of coin toss they would split the series at about 50%. That would not be true for anything else in football.

silly analogy. The coin flip is only to determine who goes first. Not to determine the outcome of any play. The offense still has to execute. The defense still has to collapse in order for a team to win on the first possession. The team winning the toss only wins about a third of the time. With the kickoff being moved up the percent will decrease. Even knows this before hand. It is equitable for both teams.

Originally Posted by: wpr 

Except for in overtime, with sudden death, the team that gets possession of the ball first has an inherent advantage. This is born out in the statistics. According to an article from advanced NFL stats, during 2000-2007 teams that won the coin toss won 60% of the time (compared to home teams only winning 51% of overtime games). That number seems about right given what I remember being cited just about every time a game goes to overtime.

For the team that wins the coin toss all they have to do is drive into field goal range and score (this hardly requires a collapse from the defense as you put it). For the team that losses the coin toss they have to stop the other team and then their offense has to come out and score (unless you have Al Harris, because he's just awesome).

If both teams get stopped on their first possession then the team that won the coin toss gets the ball back and now they've had two chances to the other team's one. No matter how long this goes on the team that wins the toss will either have the same number of chances to score (if the other team scores) or one more chance to score (if they score).

Since the team that wins the coin toss wins the game 60% of the time, that means on average they have had .6 more possessions per overtime game than the team that losses the toss. Or in other words, that's 74 more possessions for the teams that won the coin toss over the 124 overtime games from 2000-2007. That is NOT equitable.

And by the way there is indeed chance involved in a game. Players combine their skill with chance. On a timing pass, it is a chance that the DB will miss read and break left when the receiver breaks right. The QB can't wait and see what happens. He throws not knowing for certain. A defender takes a chance when he jumps a route and anticipates where the throw is going to be. Certainly there is skill involved but it is not skill alone.

Originally Posted by: wpr 

There's a huge difference between taking calculated risks and playing a game of chance. When you talk about jumping routes that comes down to the defensive back having studied game film on their opposition, knowing tendencies, and making a snap judgment effectively on what's the expected costs or gains to his decision. For instance, Tramon Williams' pick six against the Falcons this past year was a product of him recognizing the play from film study. He jumped the route, not knowing for certain he had the right read, but knowing the odds were heavily in his favor. He made a good decision which turned out to also be the right decision. He stacked the odds in his favor through his diligence in the film room and his ability to recognize key tells in Atlanta's offense. And as you've phrased it, misreading isn't even chance, it's making a mistake. It's the same thing for a quarterback and reading the defense for a timing route.

There is no analogous situation for a coin flip. You can't study film on it and make a better decision. There is no pattern to read and no way to improve your odds. It is pure chance. 
Born and bred a cheesehead
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (1h) : Patriots / Panthers feeling is what I got. didn't watch that one either
Zero2Cool (1h) : Easier to get a camera on her in the suite where she can't impact the game by being distraction???
TheKanataThrilla (1h) : This is the least excited I have been in a long time for a Super Bowl. Unfortunately they both can't lose.
wpr (1h) : So why don;'t they have her on the sidelines and doing the halftime fandango instead of sitting on her but in a $1,000,000 suite?
Zero2Cool (2h) : Think more eyes on Super Bowl with Swift fans pulling for her TE boyfriend?
Zero2Cool (2h) : She dating the TE of the Chiefs.
Zero2Cool (2h) : Taylor Swift has millions of fans, yeah?
Zero2Cool (3h) : They did. They are going to show the post production Sunday with plethora of ads.
wpr (14h) : I thought KC already won
Zero2Cool (4-Feb) : If you wanna post about the Super Bowl, please, by all means, open a topic. They are free this month! 😁
Zero2Cool (4-Feb) : There doesn't need to be a topic. There's a playoff prediction thread.
packerfanoutwest (4-Feb) : and there no SB contest over in the other Packer forum, either
buckeyepackfan (4-Feb) : #2Officially Retires!
beast (4-Feb) : Probably no SB topic as people are wore out talking about the Chiefs, Refs and Eagles
Zero2Cool (4-Feb) : Packers reportedly have their new LB coach, promoting Sean Duggan to that role
Zero2Cool (4-Feb) : WR Cooper Kupp is being traded.
packerfanoutwest (4-Feb) : why is there no SB Prediction topic?
Zero2Cool (3-Feb) : Anthony Perkins spent 2024 as a defensive quality-control coach with the Packers.
Zero2Cool (3-Feb) : Packers lose another assistant.
Zero2Cool (3-Feb) : Defensive Player of the Year and Browns star Myles Garrett has requested a trade.
Zero2Cool (3-Feb) : deleted all my browser history and autofill and passwords. gonna be fun!
packerfanoutwest (3-Feb) : too funny
packerfanoutwest (3-Feb) : Lions QB Jared Goff was the offensive MVP
packerfanoutwest (3-Feb) : for the Pro Bowl, which is flag football
Zero2Cool (2-Feb) : Rather, the murder WAS covered up to prevent ...
Zero2Cool (2-Feb) : JFK murder was a cover-up to prevent war with Cuba/Russia.
Martha Careful (1-Feb) : I have always admired the pluck of the man
Zero2Cool (1-Feb) : I remember thinking he was going to be something good.
Mucky Tundra (1-Feb) : The Dualing Banjo!
Zero2Cool (31-Jan) : Jets have named Chris Banjo as their special teams coordinator, Former Packers player
Zero2Cool (31-Jan) : Jaguars have hired Anthony Campanile as their DC. We lose coach
Zero2Cool (30-Jan) : QB coach Sean Mannion
Zero2Cool (30-Jan) : DL Coach DeMarcus Covington
dfosterf (30-Jan) : from ft Belvoir, Quantico and points south. Somber reminder of this tragedy at Reagan Nat Airport
dfosterf (30-Jan) : So eerily quiet here in Alexandria. I live in the flight path of commercial craft coming from the south and west, plus the military craft
dfosterf (30-Jan) : So eeri
Mucky Tundra (30-Jan) : Now that's a thought, maybe they're looking at the college ranks? Maybe not head coaches but DC/assistant DCs with league experience?
beast (30-Jan) : College Coaches wouldn't want that publicly, as it would hurt recruiting and they might not get the job.
beast (30-Jan) : I thought they were supposed to publicly announce them, at least the NFL ones. Hafley was from college, so I believe different rules.
Mucky Tundra (30-Jan) : Who knows who they're interviewing? I mean, nobody knew about Hafley and then out of nowhere he was hired
beast (30-Jan) : I wonder what's taking so long with hiring a DL coach, 2 of the 3 known to interview have already been hired elsewhere.
Zero2Cool (27-Jan) : Packers coach Matt LaFleur hires Luke Getsy as senior assistant, extends Rich Bisaccia's deal
Zero2Cool (27-Jan) : Chiefs again huh? I guess another Super Bowl I'll be finding something else to do.
Mucky Tundra (27-Jan) : Chiefs Eagles...again...sigh
dfosterf (27-Jan) : Happy Birthday Dave!
Mucky Tundra (27-Jan) : happy birthday dhazer
TheKanataThrilla (26-Jan) : Exactly buck...Washington came up with the ball. It is just a shitty coincidence one week later
buckeyepackfan (26-Jan) : I forgot, they corrected the call a week later. Lol btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY dhazer!
buckeyepackfan (26-Jan) : That brings up the question, why wasn't Nixon down by contact? I think that was the point Kanata was making.
buckeyepackfan (26-Jan) : Turnovers rule, win the turnover battle, win the game.
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Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
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Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
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