Hey new to site and want to introduce myself...
My name is Justin Thoms and Im from Milwaukee Wisconsin.
I am a huge fan of the Packers and have been my whole life good times and the bad.
Honestly most of it was the good for the fact i only been able to actually watch and understand football for only like ten years now (I'm 18) so I have been spoiled with HOF QB and just awsumness from Favre my whole Packer fan life.
I hate the Vikings more then the Bears for some reason I think its because they usually sign our old players or somthing and think old time Vikings actually wore horns on there head ( which they didn't) . I always forget about the Lions every time I see them on the schedule I kinda oh eazy win.
I am always looking to buy some tickets for home games any seat is a good seat there. This about raps it up for me if any ting else u wanna know just ask..
360 gamertag: jbone0001
msg me to play madden anytime! or left4dead.