Cowherd has went from blasting Rodgers early in the season.. then praising him when his stats went way up.. now after a single defensive game and his concussion.. he is back on the Rodgers hasn't proven jack yet.
Cowherd is the most uninformed talking head out there.. either that or he pushes the edges to stir the pot on purpose.
Guy is a jackwad.. listen to him long enough and you see his inconsistencies clearly.
"Zero2Cool" wrote:
I got the clearance to stream Packers stuff at work so this is my first go, since The Fan stream failed. It's been very entertaining. Bill Johnson slapped PL a time or two as well, pretty funny stuff. Although, I think Alex is probably right that the Packers are not overly successful on any done with 1 to go. Anyone want to go through the play by play's for the 16 games this year and figure it out? All you have to do is check the play by play (links to play by play in schedule block on right) do a find on 2nd and 1, 3rd and 1 and 4th and 1. and see how many were successful out of the total amount.
"Pack93z" wrote: