I detest most Christmas stuff.
In fact, I refuse to celebrate the holiday until Christmas Eve. In my opinion, "Advent" should, if anything, be like Lent a time of self-denial not gluttony, a time of reflection rather than a time of smarmy faux-friendship. And the "celebration" should start, not end on Christmas Eve/Day.
(This by the way has pissed more than one person off, since I pretty much refuse to attend any "Christmas" parties.)
And, no I don't want to hear about how these dates were chosen to coincide with already-existing pagan celebrations. I could care less whether the birth of Christ was or was not on December 25th. The only important thing is that said birth occurred, and that the person born is my Savior. And since I have no clue -- nor, iSTM, does anyone else have much of one -- esactly when He was born, I'm going to continue setting aside that day...and the days following it up to Epiphany... as my time of celebrating His Birth.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)