Look, Al is a fierce competitor. He worked his ass off to recover from one of the worse knee injuries a human can have. He had what was it, five tendons or something snap tear or rip? This happened in his mid 30's too. He was already losing a step.
I think him saying the Packers led him on is pathetic and I'm surprised he'd say something like that. I've always admired him for his blunt comments and intelligence. But he needs to get real.
I don't doubt the Packers were weighing Sam vs Al and if Sam faltered they'd have cut someone else, depending on if Sam showed promise.
If Al would have gotten any time, it'd have taken away from Tramon or Sam, what good would that do when he's not better than either of them?
No one likes to lose their job. Add in his intense rehab over the past year or so. Yeah, he's gonna be pissed. Al himself said the Packers told him to take as much as he needed. They had to make the best choice for the Packers, not Al Harris.
Unfortunately for Al, he's nothing more than a Dime CB on our roster and honestly, I bet the Packers feel Al deserves at least a Nickel. They did him a favor, even if he doesn't see it now.
"Zero2Cool" wrote: