- Loved the fake field goal, even though it didn't work.
- I also liked the squib kicks. I think one a game is a good idea.
- BJack runs a really good draw play.
- Holy moly is our defense better when Matthews is in.
- Good to see Jennings a part of the offense again. That triple move on his TD was sick. Just sick.
- Pat Lee is looking better on kick returns. He's probably better than Nelson (who's deceptively hard to tackle, but not nearly as fast).
- James Jones made his presence felt. I think he'll continue to have an impact as Rodgers trusts him more and more.
- Collins looked like Spiderman on his interception in the 4th qtr.
- I thought the o-line looked pretty good. Not much push on running plays, but no sacks either. Extra props to Clifton for manhandling Allen.
- Can we stop trying to run Kuhn up the middle? And where's Nance? Did he even suit up?
- The failed fake field goal? That's on Flynn. He overthrew Quarless.
- What's up with our receiver timing? The back-shoulder throws were awful tonight. Who's making the wrong reads?
- No catches for Driver. Hate to see that streak come to an end. 130-some games, wasn't it?
- I'd better not hear any Vikes fans whining about officiating after watching Frank Walker absolutely
MUG Jennings in the 2nd qtr, and seeing the Vikes o-line taking turns dragging Matthews to the turf.
- Voldemort. He's done what he said he never wanted to do - hang around long enough to be a liability. Kinda sad, really (but couldn't happen to a nicer team).
- Hated seeing the 3-man rush on 3rd and long. That'd be OK against a younger QB, but the way to beat Voldemort is with pressure, not coverage.