How is this relevant? It happened week 5, in a 16 game season on a "freak" play where Finley had to play defender after a fumble.
Injury was not caused by excessive games playing exhaustion. In fact, in an 18 game season, we could possibly get Finley back before the playoffs(assuming we make the playoffs).
If you talk to the players, they don't want 18 games because a) it devalues each of the games (part of what makes each college game more exciting, each game in baseball fairly irrelevant) plus it's another 2 games to risk getting hurt in.
Someone mentioned getting hurt in the first few weeks is more common. I have no clue what the stats are on this, I know we damn near lost Reggie with his hammy? in Tampa at the end of a season, and two more games in no way would LIMIT the injuries sustained.
Every year there seems to be a team whose success (or lack thereof) is dictated more by injuries than actual talent. The packers are certainly on the cusp of that, the bears have had that happen to them recently...the pats lost some swagger when Brady went could cite many examples.