Penalties aren't a problem. Monday was an aberation. Don't believe me? Ask Evad.
"IronMan" wrote:
I'm going to disagree and I didn't see "Evad" post here, but penalties are a huge problem. I can think of one flag that took 7 points off the board. We ended up kicking a FG that was blocked.
I'd like for our coaching staff to have the balls to sit a player after a boneheaded flag.
Their response is it'll hurt the chances of winning the game, but so do the penalties. If a player is playing dumb or losing composure and isn't reprimanded, who's going to get them back on track?
If said player is needed and gets benched for mistakes, I'm going to bet other players are going to jump on said players case and get them back in the game.
I think that method is better than the coach saying 'it was a penalty out of aggression' which is an excuse for a fuck up.