The Packers right now are the scariest team to meet in the NFC portion of the run to the Superbowl. That was in-forced with the incredible come back from 10 points down against the Steelers.
The last drive by Ben was an aberration. A kick in the nuts at the perfect time to get a kick in the nuts. The best possible kick in the nuts this Defence could get.
They have it all lined up now.... It is all good.
Some times we all need a kick in the nuts to get back to basics.
Miami... I can feel it.
"RaiderPride" wrote:
We've had 2 kicks in the nuts.
Tampa and Pittsburgh
The team showed character after the Tampa game and will show it on Sunday when we will destroy Seattle.
That will put pressure on the giants to win.
If we have to go into the Cards gamne needing a win I have no fear this team will do it and that would mean we are a team going into the playoffs having won 7 out of 8 and any team with that record cannot be ignored.
GO PACK!!!!!!!!!!
Formed Merseyside Nighthawks. British Champions 1992. Packer fan for 32 years
I feel very wrong now!!!!!!!!!