I have no doubt been the most outspoken when it comes to the Packers' penalty woes.
And while I know people get tired of hearing me "bitch" about it, let me show you a good comparison of how/why this irritates me so much.
I think just about everyone here already knows, that I have never called in sick to work in my life. I started working when I was 16, and 16 years later, at 32, I have never called in to work for any reason. I am very proud of this, and don't mind bragging about it at all.
At every job I have had, there has always been at least 3 or 4 co workers that call in sick about 10-20 times a year. I think that is absolutely ridiculous; but all of my bosses, have always had the same cavalier attitude about it, saying "that's just the way it is, " What do you expect me to do about it." etc...
The last quote reminds me of a lot of fans' reaction to my constant harping on getting rid of the penalties. "What do you expect MM to do about it?!"
Going back to the calling in sick thing, I am dumbfounded, especially now, with the unemployment the way it is, that my boss isn't more strict about people showing up to work on a regular basis, and doing their job when they are here. There is one co-worker in particular, that has called in sick 20+ times in the last year, and does a shitty job when he is here. But nothing is ever done. Even though last time we had a job opening, there were over 50 applicants to fill 1 position.
So, when I hear people say "that's just the way it is." "Every team has problems." "What do you expect MM to do about it?" etc, I just shake my head, thinking, where have I heard that before....