Skip this post if you are not into heavy mettle. <----Gold, Jerry, gold :tongue3:
This one is about the power of music and how it can evoke emotion(s).
During World War II, Hollywood produced and distributed a series of short films entitled, "Why we fight". They were propaganda films that were intended to raise the ire and patriotism of the American people.
When I was a kid, we did not have you tube or MP3 players, the internet. cable, texting, twittering, forums, etc. You could say we didn't have shit...
You would be both right and profoundly wrong..all at once... We did have books, for example (They still got 'em!)
In early elementary school I developed an absolute love for the novels by a man by the name of Leon Uris. He was a former Marine (imagine that), and in addition to writing possibly "the" absolutely classic novel about Marines in combat (It's called "Battle Cry") ---He took up the cause of the Jews, the Holocaust, and the creation of the state of Israel.
Since many of my friends and I have paid what I consider a severe cost for our sentiments on that issue (voting with our feet and all--The good, the bad, and the ugly...another soundtrack!), and it's collateral tangents over my lifetime, the song I'm putting up stirs many emotions in me. It is the song I will probably wind up humming intermittently right up until gametime this weekend... and reflect.
I am providing some quick links in the hope that I might give those unfamiliar with that of which I speak a modern-day cliff's notes version. It would do my heart good were some to take the time and trouble to read what is in those links.
I chose this particular video because there is no whiz-bang in it. There are many professional piano versions, many flashy ones, etc. This one just makes an semi-old guy think a little...Strange that a movie soundtrack could do that...well, maybe not.
Wiki- Leon Uris Wiki--Talking about the "behind" (and more) the song title The song, based on Otto Preminger's movie of the same title...Based on Leon Uris' novel..Also of the same title--You may have heard it before.
(Oh, and it wouldn't exactly kill you to read one of his books, either) I just sense that this young pianist did so.
Thank you for your kind indulgence.
Too much coffee or something.