I hope to hell Ted Thompson and MM weren't watching Brett favre play Monday night.
In fact I can almost guarantee they weren't.
I hope to hell they are busy getting ready for The Bears, then The Bengals, ten The Rams, after that they can start getting ready for The Vikings.
I'll say it again, some of you are so fixated on Brett Favre, that it is going to be a very long year if The Vikings happen to beat The Packers in one of those games.
There is 16 games to a regular season, division games a little more important than the rest, but it will not be the end of the world if The Packers lose one.
The writer of the article is full a crap if he thinks any of The Packer coaching staff were watching how Brett played. IT IS PRE-SEASON, IT DOESN'T COUNT.
Nobody knows what teams are working on or what they are trying to get tape of during their games.
Bottom line is this, Vikings think Brett Favre gives them the best chance at winning. IMHO I do to. Does this mean they will? Only time will tell.
I am more anxious to see what The Packers do the first 3 weeks of the season, then I will worry whether The Vikings are going to be a threat or not.
I was addicted to The Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around!