It's entirely understandable.
I do personally wonder how much of this is Brett and how much others affect his decisions. Dude can't possibly feel like he's lacking anything career-wise, save for perhaps another SB ring.
I guess what I'm saying is that if I were in his shoes and felt unwanted after what he achieved, it would bother me. But then I think I'd look at my accomplishments and realize that I had amassed one of the (if not THE) greatest careers for an NFL QB ever, and I'd blow it off.
Unless I had people in my ear saying "You gonna take that from them?! Who do they think they're dealing with? You go to Minnesota and beat 'em a couple times - then they'll get the picture!" Then, depending on who they were, I might get riled enough to make a - IN MY PERSONAL OPINION - foolhardy decision.
Brett Favre has the chance to live a productive, relatively-pain-free life post a very long NFL career - how many of his peers can say that? Me, I'd be happy to take a couple million from Fox, CBS or NBC and stay healthy.
"ILikeThePackers39" wrote: