2 months ago
Thanks for the "welcome back" Martha!
As far as Harris, there are many videos on YouTube where she's at different places and repeating the same nonsense over and over.
She was supposed to oversee the border situation, and couldn't even handle that. So if there was an attack on America, how could she handle that? After 3 and a half years, SUDDENLY the border situation starts to get addressed. A little late, if you ask me.
I think there were 2 reasons that Harris was picked as vice president. Not because of her qualifications. If she had done something in the last 4 years that showed her as competent, I'd be happy to say so.
I saw the comments of a Democrat on line that said " I'd rather have a smiling, laughing president then one that's scowling all the time." Me, I'd want one that's prepared in case of a real emergency. There's nothing wrong with laughter, as most people here know how I love to laugh. But a person leading this country needs to strike fear in our enemies, to prevent an attack.
Just my opinion.
I know some here will agree with me, and some won't. I'm ok with that. That's what makes America great! We are all allowed our thoughts/opinions.
2 months ago
Beast. You made some good points.
One thing I wonder, how do you know what Trump was doing? I doubt you were there to see him golf, or goof off. I bet you read it on the "media" online. The so called media has twisted almost every article to attack Trump, and make Biden look like a savior.
And who doesn't really believe that the legal attacks on Trump were nor an attempt to knock him out of the race? The democrats knew they couldn't beat him at the ballot box.
And what will come out in the future about Biden and the millions he and his family git with the backdoor deals with China and Russia?
When Trump was president, the country was doing great. 4 years under Biden and the cost of living has almost doubled.
I'm tired of the United States sending trillions of dollars to other countries, when we should be taking care of our own FIRST.
One of these days, China is going to call for payment of all the IOUs we owe them, and of course we don't have the money to repay them. Then what do we do? Hand over the country to them? What else could we do?
We need a leader that puts America first.
Love or hate Trump, he's the one guy running that has done that. Yes, he has his faults. But what human doesn't? He was attacked for his supposed affair with that porn star. The democrats went WILD over that. But remember Bill Clinton getting a BJ in the oval office by Monica? Remember what the democrats screamed then? " That's Clinton's personal life! That's no one's business!" And then Clinton lied under oath about it.
Trumps happened before (if it even happened)before he was even president, yet Clinton was on the job (LOL) at the time.
A little hypocritical, you think?
2 months ago
One more thing I can say, I appreciate the way this thread has been handled so far. Points have been made, with no attacks. That shows class!
2 months ago

Beast. You made some good points.
One thing I wonder, how do you know what Trump was doing? I doubt you were there to see him golf, or goof off. I bet you read it on the "media" online.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

People whom were in the meetings have said so...

Sounds like meeting would run like normal with Mike Pence in them, but when Trump joined them, Trump couldn't focus on the subject, just kept focusing on whatever was said on TV that morning.

Also Trump has admitted he doesn't read the Presidential reports.

And it's not exactly hard to figure out when a President is golfing as the secret service is all over the place, including some media around trying to get pictures.

Also what are you talking about? The Democrat clearly and fairly beat Trump at the ballot box in 2020. And the almost all the adults results into the election have found more fraud helping Trump than helping Biden. And Trump lost all the court judgements (except one which was a tie, and the people should of be held at a different distance back, I think it was a two foot difference).

The legal attacks showed he clearly broke the law and he couldn't admit the truth.

Now, one can say that some of the laws he broke were stupid (the alleged sexual assaults were not stupid, not talking about those, nor trying to overturn the free and fair election), but then why lie about it? Like I admit I speed ... in my area there are a ton of 25 MPH areas where most people go 35 MPH, and I have a heavy foot and probably go even faster when I feel I safely can. But I can freely admit the truth that I break the law in that respect.

Trump just wants to play the victim and refuse the reality that he clearly and fairly loss the 2020 election and that he broke some laws (some of which were possible stupid laws) and according to Trump's lawyers, a President, even a past President should be allowed to break the law. And yet he has issues when others do it, so it's just him that should be allowed to do it.

The reality is Trump is guilty as hell... just that he's a manipulative asshole (as most politicians probably are).

But Trump even attempted to claim the 2016 Republican Iowa caucus was rigged (which Democrats had no hand in) when he didn't win, he's just a sore loser and cry baby, trying to present it as masculinity.

There have been some extremely extremely shitty Presidential choices in recent decades.

2 months ago

He was attacked for his supposed affair with that porn star. The democrats went WILD over that. But remember Bill Clinton getting a BJ in the oval office by Monica? Remember what the democrats screamed then? " That's Clinton's personal life! That's no one's business!" And then Clinton lied under oath about it.
Trumps happened before (if it even happened)before he was even president, yet Clinton was on the job (LOL) at the time.
A little hypocritical, you think?

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Yeah I don't freaking understand politicians when their hypocrisy in this type of thing, and as long as it was consensual, then whom cares?

Maybe care a bit more, as Monica was an employee.

But overall, they should focus on the issues more and drama less.

2 months ago
And just to be clear on the other side of the coin (Harris), I don't know how she was for California, but everything she seemed to be put in charge of as Vice President, did not seem to go smoothly.

And some of the things, including the boarder, she seemed to bumble and stumble and made it look even worse as she was trying to sell it as a better picture and the things she did sorta backfired.

And as I believe I said previously, Biden's government has seemed a lot more liberal than I thought he would ever be (attempting to ban gas stoves? I just don't seem that as something Senator Biden would ever agree too)... so who was actually running it?

Maybe if was Harris, or Harris' people, as that's something extremely liberal that California's were trying, but also could of just been someone Biden put in place and wasn't watching, I'm not certain.

But case in point, her image as Vice President has not been the best either.
2 months ago
Yes, Trump is a jerk. But his time in office was good for the American people.
Everyone has their faults.
And those that have vendetta against Trump, it's hard to trust what they say in my opinion.
I think of Trump keeps his mouth shut, and just does the job, a lot of the hate would disappear. He brags too much, and let's his thoughts go out there where he should just keep it to himself.
2 months ago
I forget who said it, but someone said how do you know what Donald Trump was doing. There seemed to have been a new photo shoot once a week with him playing golf and there's a constant stream of Tweets talking about this article, that news show, this news show, that publication, etc... I know someone who actually used the Tweeter app on their phone and he would laugh cuz his phone would go off at 3am and he'd be like 'Dammit donny, go to freakin sleep!" lol.

When I did my head to head Trump vs Biden pros/cons of what I felt was "factual" and by factual I mean I could find sources that would back it up. Trump was better for the Country's future, but Biden was a better person. I also probably have a different view of what the President's duties are. It seems majority feel if they cannot find a job, it's because the President isn't creating jobs for them. Or they want the President to make their life easier so they don't have to earn their way.

Yeah I don't freaking understand politicians when their hypocrisy in this type of thing, and as long as it was consensual, then whom cares?

Maybe care a bit more, as Monica was an employee.

But overall, they should focus on the issues more and drama less.

Originally Posted by: beast 

The rumblings I heard at the time (that I remember) was if he can't "run" his family, how can he run the Country. As if both are the same in any capacity. Those same folks would also put John F. Kennedy in their top five best Presidents all time and that would confuse me.

Yes, more focus on issues than the drama. Unfortunately, we people like the drama and focus on that. Thus, when ratings are involved guess what is going to get thrown in our faces? (insert sad face)
2 months ago

Yes, Trump is a jerk. But his time in office was good for the American people.
Everyone has their faults.
And those that have vendetta against Trump, it's hard to trust what they say in my opinion.
I think of Trump keeps his mouth shut, and just does the job, a lot of the hate would disappear. He brags too much, and let's his thoughts go out there where he should just keep it to himself.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

There was a lot of folks saying Trump showed a lot of restraint vs Biden during that last debate. I couldn't watch much of it because I felt bad for Biden. I'm not a doctor, nor do I know Biden well, but he just did not look healthy and that was hard to watch. He was there physically, but mentally it seemed he was there and drifted way and back. Point being is I think if Trump shows more empathy / compassion, he's going to win over a lot more people than he'll alienate. Yes, I think some admire Trump for his cutthroat ruthlessness.
2 months ago

And those that have vendetta against Trump, it's hard to trust what they say in my opinion.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

I honestly believe the whole "vendetta" stuff is mostly just complete bullshit, trying to make Trump look like a victim, when you ignore that and look at the actual evidence (or of the items we can actually verify one way or the other), did he do the things he's being legally accused of?

And the evidence points to, yes, he actually did do those things. Whether we should give a crap about weather people do those things or not, is a different story, but he's clearly lying when he claims he's the victim.

He did those things, so what? ... I don't care that he did most of their things. I do care about that he's lying about it, and trying to play the victim when clearly he's not.

Accept the things you have done, that's what a true leader does. Make excuses, is what a loser does, and that is what Trump has done.

I think of Trump keeps his mouth shut, and just does the job, a lot of the hate would disappear. He brags too much, and let's his thoughts go out there where he should just keep it to himself.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

Absolutely, and that's one of Trump's biggest issues, he wants the spotlight, where if he just shut up and stop wanting the media talk about him all the time, then I don't think the people would of gotten tired of him half as quickly.

But I feel like that was Trump's downfall, people just got burned out from hearing about him.

When you could watch it like clockwork, Everytime the media started to shift subjects, Trump would do something off the wall to get them talking about him again.

And I truly believe, that even if you loved his administration, it was despite him, not because of him, as he (while advised by others) hired a lot of good Republicans, whom he burned though, and ended up basically verbally spitting on them at the end. So they aren't coming back for him.

Trump promised to talk care of the debt, he only raised it more than Obama did in Obama's first four years.

Also Trump claimed bad weather prevented him from visiting the WWI graves in 2018. It didn't stop any of the other World Leaders.

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