I have studied the “Big Bang” and evolution. I was taught both of those in public schools.
And to narrow down evolution, that is what they teach.
Life started from nothing. Then over “millions of years” evolved into all the different plants, animals, birds, fish and so on. Please tell me where I am wrong about this. They use fancy talk, but I just narrow it down to what it’s really teaching.
If you have an open mind, then you could see that it is what they are actually teaching kids. But because it comes from a “scientist “ it makes it sound valid.
Man, with all his knowledge still can’t produce life from non living materials.
Yet that is what the Big Bang theory and evolution teach.
And they are not taught as a theory, they are taught as FACT in school.
If you don’t agree with it, you are ridiculed and treated like you are stupid. I know from experience.
They don’t teach that there are ANY other possibilities. It’s evolution or you are an idiot.