McCarthy signed a one yr extension months ago. This was EXPLOSIVE news and not a peep, not a hint of a peep.
1265 is more secure than Fort Knox anyone claiming they heard something from a source inside 1265 is a LAIR, delusional, or being pranked. No doubt everyone has been told, leak and you’re gone. No one is leaking anything from 1265.
When someone seeking attention, clicks or twitter followers claiming a source for a rumor is either lying or it’s from an agent, who obviously possesses an agenda. That is to say this person claiming a source is at best playing the part of the useful idiot.
News that someone is being interviewed is relevant, interesting, could very well be true and probably launches a worthwhile platform for discussion.
But, a simpering dope claiming that this guy or that guy is a frontrunner for a GB job is simply a LIAR and the person repeating these rumors a fool.