Bah, let it go buddy, let it go! We all have opinions. We all have thoughts. We just gotta remember we're all on the same team! The Packers fan team. The only time it's okay to get riled up is if someone says Barry Sanders was/is over rated. Then, omg, then that is when we will unleash hellfire brimestone on people!
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
I was going to let it go today, until I saw where he called me out. I'll try to let it go again, after this post.
I'm pretty tired right now... so when I first read that... I read "Bernie Sanders", instead of "Barry Sanders" š ... and that comment surprised me until I realized it was "Barry".
As for the person mentioned. He's just extremely passionate and wants nothing more than to see the Packers win another Super Bowl. That's his end game. That's his goal. That's his biggest desire. Yes, I feel we should want the current regime to find a way, rather than to wipe the slate clean and start over. How many teams have started clean slate and were worse off? A lot! The few teams who have wiped the slate clean and had quick success did so on the foundation of a solid defense (e.g. Rams). We do not have said solid defense.
Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool
Excuse me, but who among us, isn't passionate for the Packers? and who among us doesn't want the to see the Packers win another Superbowl? So that's not him... that's all of us!
You mention his endgame for the Packers... but what's his endgame for
It seems to be to convince others, of how horrible the current management of the Packers are, and how no one else can see it because he's "objective" and you're not. That's been his message, and what he's has preached... which is a message that focusing on users... and then when someone fights back, he plays the victim role, suggesting we shouldn't focus on users (which is what he has done as well).