"Nothing to see here . Move along." With that , I don't expect to see you post about any of the Packers Preseason Games ! [nono]
Originally Posted by: Smokey
Probably not. I will be sitting in the stands for game 4. I have a meeting tomorrow night. On the 19th we are having a party for my mother's 83rd birthday. I can't say what I will be doing for the other game at this time. If I can catch a few minutes of the game, great. If not life will go on.
Apparently you probably misunderstood my comment so I will attempt to 'splain it to you Lucy.
The "nothing to see here" comment is based on the FACT that Aaron rarely plays in PS games (2012 was the last time he played 4 PS games and took a decent amount of plays.) so for GB to come out and announce he won't be playing very much this year is hardly news. Fake or otherwise. By this point in time, Packer Backers with any kind of understanding already know this. But I am sure it was a surprise to you.