7 years ago

To some, saying "redskin" is a racial slur . No different from other offensive names like the "N" word or "Wap" or "Chink" or "Breed" or any other such negative put-down . We say that America has changed , and it has , but much remains to be overcome.

Originally Posted by: Smokey 

True....some feel that way.
You can take almost any racial slang name and SOMEONE will feel it's racial.
Call them the "Whiteskins" then. I sure wouldn't feel slighted.

And, while we are at it, how about doing away with "native Americans" or "African Americans" and just call all of us AMERICANS!
THAT fact bothers ME! To divide into groups, then complain if someone points out the difference.
7 years ago

True....some feel that way.
You can take almost any racial slang name and SOMEONE will feel it's racial.
Call them the "Whiteskins" then. I sure wouldn't feel slighted.

And, while we are at it, how about doing away with "native Americans" or "African Americans" and just call all of us AMERICANS!
THAT fact bothers ME! To divide into groups, then complain if someone points out the difference.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 


7 years ago
I feel it's "beating a dead horse" by those that keep complaining about sports teams names.
But THAT won't go away, either.
7 years ago

And, while we are at it, how about doing away with "native Americans" or "African Americans" and just call all of us AMERICANS!
THAT fact bothers ME! To divide into groups, then complain if someone points out the difference.

Originally Posted by: Cheesey 

I agree, I have wondered if everyone got rid of all the labels on sheets and paperwork and just had American... if things might change somewhat in time.

We'll never know though.
7 years ago

To some, saying "redskin" is a racial slur

Originally Posted by: Smokey 

In some context, "redskin" is 100% a racial slur... IMO that's a fact. But I also think it's a 100% fact, that the Washington Redskins, aren't using it in that context.

One tribe used to be known as the redskin tribe because they would wear red face and body paint... that tribe today is called the Delaware Indians, which as the name suggest... were relatively close to Washington D.C.

The Washington team is not acting in bigotry or racism... they (most likely) choose a mascot they thought was cool and they could sell and would represent their team well... not negatively. I'm sure some would say they failed, but they're rocking the term in the most positive light they can.

Originally Posted by: beast 

7 years ago

Beating this dead horse is not going to change anything . Let us please move on to threads that discuss football , please . [cheers]
7 years ago


Beating this dead horse is not going to change anything . Let us please move on to threads that discuss football , please . [cheers]

Originally Posted by: Smokey 

If beating the dead horse is not going to change anything, then why do you keep posting it over and over again?

Seems like you got a case of insanity.
7 years ago
This sounds like a conversation amongst the white or whitinized folk 😂 and if he can be believed, PFWT is expressing the shameful loss of his own self-respect and that for his Native American People and heritage.

Yes, “Redskins” is just a name and people should be need able to get over it; but there is a reason why they can’t; it is because the words represent REAL LIFE RACISISM.

Compare the idea of the Packers changing their name to the Green Bay Ni@@ers; and then imagine yourself Black and two fat white Wisconsin cops, that don’t like PC, pull you over on a deserted road and say, “get outta da car ni@@er.” Ni@@er is “just a name” in both scenarios; but in the second the guy in the car is justifiably terrified he is about to die. Now Imagine, the guy in the car survived his gunshots and on Sunday on the TV in the hospital he sees the pre-game show for the GB Ni@@ers. Do you have the empathy to imagine the despair that is felt?

Those that have chosen NOT to abandon their heritage and culture, those who are not sociopaths, possess empathy. They are empathetic with the despicable historical treatment of Native Americans. How those on the “reservations” were treated as if in ghettos for over 100 years and were treated with hate when they try to travel to nearby towns. Some of the reservation land just happen to have oil and other resources and much of it was stolen/swindled. Then they look around at all the symbolism of this domination, of this theft and have empathy for the despair. Imagine tuning on TV or the radio and seeing daily: advertisements for Yum Yum apples and the Canadian Patriotic Fund [“Pale face, my skin is dark, but my heart is white for I also give to the [CPF]”]. Van Huesen did a add for their oxford shirt, it said, “4 of 5 men want oxford’s” and then depicted 4 white men dressed in shirts and one goofy looking Native American in a bare chest. Watch some Lone Ranger reruns, and the movies always show NAs as savages, worthy of no trust and/or stupid. There’s even Disney’s Savage Sam movie.

In the present day imagine what NAs feel and think when they see their jackass President derogatorily call Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas.” The President and open NA bigot and not all that much outrage about it. Then an NFL team has the audacity to be called “Redskins.” And still we have horrible conditions on the reservations and the invidious discrimination in nearby towns and cities still persist.

See the Dakota Access Pipeline [DAPL]. Trump has $$ in Energy Transfer partners [ETP], who built DAPL. The pipeline was slated to go north of Bismarck, ND; when it was determined that the pipeline up-river for Bismarck threatened the drinking water of the Whites there. So the pipeline was rerouted south of Bismarck through “Redskin Country” and now when it leaks, not if, but when it leaks, it’ll just contaminate "Redskin" drinking water. Obama put a hold on the project for an impact study to be done and one of the first things Fuckhead Trump did was sign an EO, which waived the need for a study to be waived so permits could be issued. The pipeline, which became operational in March has leaked 3 times already; but who cares if it means "Redskins" and the environment suffer as long as ETP gets profits.

Interestingly, last week a federal judge ruled that fuckhead Trump’s EO violated environmental law and ordered the study completed; after which the judge will decide if DAPL is to cease operation [I’m waiting for Trump to fire this guy].

Meanwhile we learned that Trump’s ETP buddies built a fracked gas "Rover Pipeline" that just dumped 2 millions gallons of sludge into a wetland south of Akron and has had 18 other leaks in 6 months.

We also learned that TigerSwan, Trump’s paramilitary Brownshirts used-counter terrorism tactics on the protesters at Standing Rock. A paramilitary private firm on orders from ETP used counter-terrorism tactics on American citizens exercising their right to protest and I'll bet no one in this discussion has a clue of it. The corporate media says nothing: disgusting. Then after they did their dirty work at Standing Rock; Trump is using them to do their dirt on other movements. Trump and Bannon are hell bent on ruining anyone who dares to protest our government. We are so close to not being "America."

That said, SCOTUS got it right. If any of you want to KKK march in your pretty little white hooded costumes and/or support the word "Redskin" it is 100% your right. You're an [assho]; but you're acting within your rights. But please some of you please quit the kiddy bitchin’ about political correctness. If you don’t want to be kind and respectful to "Redskins" or "Slants" or "wetbacks" or "ragheads;" if you're so determined to treat others like an [assho] and bring suffering on others with your words, do it, it is not illegal! But please, STFU about it and STFU about any consequence you get for being a uncaring unempathetic sociopathiological complete paper [assho]'ed boorish miscreant.
7 years ago
Someone went off in a huge off topic rant...

This sounds like a conversation amongst the white or whitinized folk 😂 and if he can be believed, PFWT is expressing the shameful loss of his own self-respect and that for his Native American People and heritage.

Originally Posted by: Barfarn 

Who the hell are you to say if someone has self-respect for their own heritage?

Are you (stupidity) suggestions that all people of a certain heritage always think the same or they lack self respect? That's closed minded BS!

Back to your example of N word... some blacks hate the word and never think it should be used ever... other blacks wear it like its a badge of honor, and even Woodson has said that black players use the N word on the field often to each other.

Just because they use a word to each other, sure as hell doesn't mean they've lost self-respect of any kind.
7 years ago

Someone went off in a huge off topic rant...

Who the hell are you to say if someone has self-respect for their own heritage?

Are you (stupidity) suggestions that all people of a certain heritage always think the same or they lack self respect? That's closed minded BS!

Back to your example of N word... some blacks hate the word and never think it should be used ever... other blacks wear it like its a badge of honor, and even Woodson has said that black players use the N word on the field often to each other.

Just because they use a word to each other, sure as hell doesn't mean they've lost self-respect of any kind.

Originally Posted by: beast 

Because he said so! PFWT's disrespect for NA culture wasn't show by how he feels about one word; it is that he is taking his belief in the meaning of "Redskin" and has the temerity to impugn any NA that doesn't see it his way. I asserted and supported the historical and present basis as to why some NAs night not be so willing to let the use of the word "Redskin" to roll of their back. And again the history of hate juxtaposed against disgraceful images and things like the President calling a NA senator “Pocahontas" unconsciously shapes children and young adults. It is being indoctrinated in some NAs at a young age that YOU ARE SECOND CLASS. How anyone can take this issue w/ such triteness is beyond my understanding; but for a NA to take this view is disgustingly offensive to me. What's the word for a NA Uncle Tom?

And who the hell are you to unilaterally decide that I cannot hold and speak that opinion? 😂 topic rant? Why the veiled adhominem attack? Speak like a man! EG, try something like this: "barfarn I believe this, this and this are off topic and dissuades the actual topic because of A, B, C. " You don't have to get all bitchy.

Suggestion: when responding, take a moment to reflect and go to a word processor and type out your argument to support your opinion, and read it back to yourself.

Someone said let's just all be called Americans; well I dont know any minority group that doesn't want that. By and large there is no more Irish, Italian or German American. This didn't happen because they wanted to assimilate; it happened because they were allowed to. When they were not allowed to be "Americans" they set up their own little organizations and rallied a certain way that some find as trying to be exclusive, but it was the best, maybe only way to survive. The day White America FULLY accepts Blacks, the Arabic and NAs as equals, is the day these words will have less to no power to elicit strong emotions.

Did you know a lot of Blacks wont eat watermelon in public? It's something that wouldn't have even dawned on me; but some are so affected by the way the images of "watermelon" and "Blacks" have been portrayed over time. Today most wouldn't give a thought to a Black eating watermelon; but images do matter, they have very real affects on subconscious.

The word "honky" is derogatory to Whites. Now if Whites were enslaved for 250 years and referred to by their Brown taskmasters as "Honky," followed by 100 years of Honky Crow; and illegal traffic stops and executions at them, etc.; you'd react very differently if some Brown person, maybe in a police uniform got upset with you and called you "honky."

To decide what "Redskin" means requires one to see it in context of HISTORY and it is a horrible and degrading history. Not nearly as well publicized as Black struggles; but in many ways much less progress has been made. Trump referred to Sen. E. Warren as “Pocahontas" and there was a shaking of heads; but had he referred to Sen. Kamala Harris as "Aunt Jemima" much of the nation would have gone nuts.

So, if you read my post with calm and the intent to understand, you will see I am saying the exact OPPOSITE that everyone needs to see "Redskin" the same way. I specifically say, it is your RIGHT, it's that if you do use it, you're an unfeeling nasty little trolling [assho]. And you are this because to be a productive positive member you must care not to bring harm or suffering to others. If you don't care if people suffer from your words then you are an [assho].

Communication is always 2 things: (1) there's what a person means or implies; and (2) there's how it is understood or inferred. "Redskin" cannot be defined only by how you perceive what it means to you.

Again that said, I agreed fully with the SCOTUS Opinion. EVERYONE has the right to use "Redskin." IT IS THE LAW!

But, my friends, the law is the minimum standard of behavior allowed in society. The point I was making at the end is the law should not dictate our morality. Each of us must endeavor to act far in excess of the min standard of behavior. And though Snyder appears to have the right to keep "Redskin" as a trademark, the more important question is; should he? Is a team name so important it is morally acceptable to offend many many people?

If I bought the team, it would have been changed the next day. Not because I had to, it is because I realize its my social responsibility as an NFL franchise NOT to help create divisions in society. Also, as citizens and fans we have a choice, we can either support sociopathic Snyder's indifference to many who suffer from seeing an NFL team as denigrating NA People [this was the purpose of the GB ni@@ers corollary], or we can fight it. Eventually, the financial wherewithal of compassionate America will defeat the indifferent sociopathic myopic [assho] America and Snyder will do the right thing and change the name; but he will always be an [assho].
Fan Shout
Mucky Tundra (53m) : Or ties, but let's be real here
Mucky Tundra (53m) : Other scenario was Falcons+Rams losses
Mucky Tundra (54m) : Needed a Falcons loss for a Seahawk loss to clinch
buckeyepackfan (1h) : Am I wring in saying if Tge Vikings beat The Seahawks, The Packers clinch?
Mucky Tundra (21-Dec) : Agreed; you stinks
Zero2Cool (21-Dec) : I'm not beating anyone. I stinks.
Mucky Tundra (21-Dec) : rough injury for tank dell. guy can't catch abreak
beast (21-Dec) : So far the college playoffs have sucked... One team absolutely dominates the other
beast (21-Dec) : Well even if you weren't positive towards a guy, you wouldn't nessarily want to tell the media that (if they don't know about it)
Martha Careful (21-Dec) : I think MLF want Love to look past the end half issues, and feel good about his play. Our coaches generally keep a very positive tone.
beast (21-Dec) : I think a great running game will do that for most QBs
packerfanoutwest (21-Dec) : Coach Matt LaFleur has said quarterback Jordan Love is playing the best football of his career.
beast (21-Dec) : Oh, that's how you keep beating buckeye, with cheating
Zero2Cool (20-Dec) : There is a rule that if your name starts with 'b' you lose 15 points. Hey, I don't make the rules, I just enforce them!
wpr (20-Dec) : and then there is Beast. Running away with it all.
beast (20-Dec) : As of tonight, 3 way tie for 2nd in Pick'em, that battle is interesting!
beast (20-Dec) : Lions vs Vikings could be the main last game as it could determine division winners or #1 vs #2 seed
Mucky Tundra (20-Dec) : Or if KC needs to win for the #1 seed
Mucky Tundra (20-Dec) : Right now it looks like the only prime worthy games are Det-Minny and KC-Denver (if Denver can clinch a wild card spot)
Mucky Tundra (20-Dec) : The entirety of week 18 being listed as flex is weird
Zero2Cool (19-Dec) : Matt LaFleur today says unequivocally "Ted Thompson had nothing to do with the drafting of Jordan Love."
Zero2Cool (19-Dec) : Apparently, the editing is what pieces comments together. That Ted thing ... fake news.
Zero2Cool (19-Dec) : LaFleur "opportunity that Ted Thompson thought was too good to pass up"
Zero2Cool (19-Dec) : Jordan Love pick was Ted Thompson's idea.
Mucky Tundra (19-Dec) : Kyle Shanahan on signing De'Vondre Campbell as a FA last offseason: “We obviously made a mistake.”
packerfanoutwest (19-Dec) : Alexander’s last season with GB
Martha Careful (18-Dec) : if I were a professional athlete, I would probably look to see who the agent is for Kirk Cousins and then use him
beast (18-Dec) : $100 million fully guaranteed Kirk Cousins gets benched for rookie
Mucky Tundra (18-Dec) : a lower case b
Mucky Tundra (18-Dec) : The real lie is how beast capitalized his name in his message while it's normally spelled with
packerfanoutwest (18-Dec) : haha that's a lie
beast (17-Dec) : Despite what lies other might tell, Beast didn't hate the Winter Warnings, it felt refreshing to Beast for some reason.
Zero2Cool (17-Dec) : whiteout uniforms in general are pretty lame and weak. NFL greed at it's worst
Martha Careful (17-Dec) : The Viking uniforms, the whiteout uniforms specifically absolutely suck
beast (17-Dec) : Thanks Zero2Cool, looks a lot better now
beast (17-Dec) : Seems like someone has a crush on me, can't stop talking about me
Zero2Cool (17-Dec) : Should be gooder now. The forum default theme went to goofy land.
Zero2Cool (17-Dec) : What the hell
packerfanoutwest (17-Dec) : yeah beast hates the Winter Warning Unies
Mucky Tundra (16-Dec) : Okay I'm glad to know it's not just something happening to me lol
Mucky Tundra (16-Dec) : Zero, did you copy the Packers uniforms from last night and white out the board?
beast (16-Dec) : Oh crap, is the board going to the Winter Warning Uniforms too?!? It's all white on white right now!
Zero2Cool (16-Dec) : WR Odell Beckham Jr is officially a free agent after clearing waivers.
Zero2Cool (16-Dec) : Packers are 6th in sacks.
Zero2Cool (16-Dec) : RB David Montgomery will undergo season-ending knee surgery.
Mucky Tundra (16-Dec) : Dan Campbell on onside kick with 12 minutes left: In hindsight, wish I didn’t do that
Zero2Cool (16-Dec) : They have that whole 12th man thing so ...
Zero2Cool (16-Dec) : Of the times we've played there, I just can't recall hearing our fans.
wpr (16-Dec) : Well done jdlax. Well done.
wpr (16-Dec) : I think more likely to be Pack fans that live in the area.
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Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 12:00 PM
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