Amidst the sea of pessimism I've had for the past month(s), this glimmer of hope has periodically emerged in my thoughts.
Maybe the Packers have just been playing possum and are about to unleash a ton of un-scouted looks, Janis and Crockett will become this year's "2010 James Starks" and we rip off a nice 4 game win streak.
Originally Posted by: musccy
Musscy, I've had similar thoughts as well. MM is a stubborn SOB.
He may have reasoned during the bye that they could get a top seed w/o unleashing the full game plan and as things soured he stubbornly stuck to his plan. Things didn't work out, so with odds low of getting a bye, why reveal it to AZ during a regular season game and you can bet when that game was over; whatever surprises lay in store for AZ were stowed.
I'd bet MM never imagined he'd lose to Minn; so why reveal the unscouted looks during the last game, when you can save 'em for when we play Minn in POs.
MM will have at least 52 guys ready to go; if the 53rd joins in we will win 4 in a row, it's a certainty!
I better go, cause i expect to wake when my alarm clock to goes off very soon.