Ya and the numbskull Schneider says there is no animosity. No animosity, really, Chancellor has lost $2M per and there is no animosity? With comments like that it is no wonder Chancellor hasn’t reported. I’ll bet Chancellor was smart of enough with the millions he’s already received that he’ll never have to play again. Of course if asked, Ted Thompson would sternly say “we don’t comment about contracts of our players [or words of similar import].” And no reporter would dare ask again.
I abhor players not honoring their contracts, its simply not how honorable, businessmen and Americans should deal w/ one another. But this is an exception: Chancellor signed his deal given a false sense of how Seattle would negotiate w/ its players in the future.
In early 2013 I saw the glut of cheap good 1st contract players that would make Seattle a threat to GB’s winning SBs and Chancellor’s deal terrified me. Seattle’s brass sat Kam down and said you’re the team leader, we have something special brewing here. The cap is not going up much, the pie is only so big we will not be able to keep this team together unless everyone agrees to take a smaller piece of the pie; we need you to take the lead and set the example to take a greatly reduced contract so we can keep this team together and make a dynasty. AND IT WORKED!
Only problem is no one else sipped from this same Seattle sap. Everyone else got paid at, near and some argue above their market value. And earlier this year the final straws broke when Kam saw Graham, a guy they made fun of for being so overhyped, take a huge bite of his pie and Schneider caving when Lynch threatened retirement if he didn’t get more coin. Seattle’s first excuse to Kam was that they had no room under the cap...Okay everyone lies, but laughable lies simple insult one’s intelligence. Then Bennett wanted more; but he decided to report; probably needed the $$. I’ll bet after the Lynch fiasco, at least a half-dozen others came to Schneider with hands out; these have just not been made public.
Kam Chancellor is Reggie White reincarnated and not a braggart about his leadership. Michael Robinson revealed that Kam talks to players about negative stuff, because Carroll only accentuates the positives. Robinson said he was unaware, even though they played together for 4 years that Kam lines up Earl Thomas on every play.
So the Legion has gone boom boom: Maxwell GONE; Bam Bam GONE; Thomas will not be as good w/o Kam lining him up. Seattle’s secondary is no longer a dominant force.