At this point it looks like Myles White gets that last spot over Janis. Abby gets IR'd. I'd like to see Pinkert and Coxson make the PS.
Originally Posted by: nerdmann
So, what MM says is never anything to get too fired up about? Was he wrong?
Bill Huber is the one making this noise being picked up by various outlets like Rotoworld. Has Bill Huber seen every practice play? Not sure I trust Bill Huber or Silverstein. We shall all see for ourselves in the real fake games coming up here in a few days.
How in the world can you conclude Myles White is getting any spot on this team over Janis? Has Myles gone up and gotten these contested balls? If you really want to cling to the things you read, then you better concluded Montgomery is better than Adams as he's gone up and gotten more than Adams. A media guy said Ty was more impressive than Adams. So, what do you do? I know exactly what you'll do...cling to whatever it is you wanted to be true before you read anything.
We shall see. Pinkard gets open. The guy has dropped balls. He had the near TD that was a difficult catch, but the kind that gets you noticed and just couldn't nab it.
Oh, and Jimmie Hunt is supposedly the UDFA WR darling. Again, we shall see in the games.
It's more about catches and yards and TD''s how you look out there. Do you look like you can be a real NFL WR? Tyrone Walker was all the rage a few years ago. Lots of catches...didn't look like an NFL WR...and he went fart in the wind. Only could run 4.59 at a pro day and was lighter than one of Oprah's turds. Myles White is a whittled pencil. He weighs what Walker weighed. He's tiny but he does have some speed that Walker never did.
Man, I can't wait for games so I can see for myself and not have to rely on someone's blog or tweet. Those perceptions are as varied as the opinions you find here.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."