uffda udfa
9 years ago

Not insulting when it's the truth!!!!

You keep bringing up a 6-6 football team, that the Buckeyes played in week 2.

Because of your football ignorance, you have know clue that a team can change in 10 weeks.
Because of your football ignorance, you can't even begin to understand what it takes to build and keep a winning program going, whether it be College or Pro.

All you can do is dwell on everything negative, as long as it fits into your agenda.

Even when it doesn't, you will keep making yourself look stupid by reposting the same bullshit time and time again.

Thus "The internet Funnies" were born and will live forever!!!!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Originally Posted by: buckeyepackfan 

Are you in the concussion protocol right now? You should be.

Teams change? You don't say. That is IRRELEVANT to having one loss like TCU and BAYLOR. The FACT remains your team was drilled at home by a 6-6 team. No matter what you type that will NEVER change. No matter what you type TCU will still have one loss...a 3 pointer to a team that many considered putting in the playoff. Hmmmm...let's put these on a scale and weigh the losses. Gee, that's real hard figuring out which loss is worse than the other. A caveman could figure it out. Not Buck...he'll go off topic as much as humanly possible and then insult me for MY football intelligence while he completely ignores over and over what I say. Ever wonder why I repeat myself? You refuse to listen or respond to what is being typed so I'll just keep saying it. It's fun knowing that you know but won't admit to it and the insults that fly to cover that fact are even better.

Not concerned whatsoever what a QB is saying about our ILB. The guys who play D were clearly excited about Sam Barrington because he's so much better than the "warrior". AJ's time was done years ago... he's history. Finished. You aren't...but he is. I think I might enjoy your sad defense of a football player EVERYONE knows is finished over your lack of comprehension on what your Buckeyes loss meant and your insults but it's close.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

9 years ago

Are you in the concussion protocol right now? You should be.

Teams change? You don't say. That is IRRELEVANT to having one loss like TCU and BAYLOR. The FACT remains your team was drilled at home by a 6-6 team. No matter what you type that will NEVER change. No matter what you type TCU will still have one loss...a 3 pointer to a team that many considered putting in the playoff. Hmmmm...let's put these on a scale and weigh the losses. Gee, that's real hard figuring out which loss is worse than the other. A caveman could figure it out. Not Buck...he'll go off topic as much as humanly possible and then insult me for MY football intelligence while he completely ignores over and over what I say. Ever wonder why I repeat myself? You refuse to listen or respond to what is being typed so I'll just keep saying it. It's fun knowing that you know but won't admit to it and the insults that fly to cover that fact are even better.

Not concerned whatsoever what a QB is saying about our ILB. The guys who play D were clearly excited about Sam Barrington because he's so much better than the "warrior". AJ's time was done years ago... he's history. Finished. You aren't...but he is. I think I might enjoy your sad defense of a football player EVERYONE knows is finished over your lack of comprehension on what your Buckeyes loss meant and your insults but it's close.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Your ignorance is amazing!!!!!!!!

Keep it up!!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
I was addicted to The Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around!
uffda udfa
9 years ago

Your ignorance is amazing!!!!!!!!

Keep it up!!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Originally Posted by: buckeyepackfan 

Buck, are you laughing while strapped in a chair wearing a tight white jacket?

I'll leave this for you...it's probably way beyond you as you like the funny papers...this is from Forbes.com... you can just follow the money as to why your precious Buckeyes who lost by 14 in the Shoe to a bad football team got into the playoff.


Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

9 years ago

Buck, are you laughing while strapped in a chair wearing a tight white jacket?

I'll leave this for you...it's probably way beyond you as you like the funny papers...this is from Forbes.com... you can just follow the money as to why your precious Buckeyes who lost by 14 in the Shoe to a bad football team got into the playoff.


Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Ahhh you didn't dissapoint!!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Your "experts" point being what everyone already knew, if not for JT Barret breaking his ankle the week before, The Buckeyes would have already been in the top 4.

Urban Meyer had one chance to prove The Buckeyes should be where they are and he took full advantage.

I really don't care what you leave me with......JUST LEAVE!!!!!!!

By virtue of TCU losing to Baylor, in reality they didn't even win their Conference.

They can cry foul all they want, in the end, The voices who matter, The 12 person committee, MADE THE RIGHT DECISION.

So you just keep posting your stupidity on a subject you once again HAVE NO CLUE about and I will keep enjoying uffda's"internet funnies'!!!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

I was addicted to The Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around!
uffda udfa
9 years ago

Ahhh you didn't dissapoint!!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Your "experts" point being what everyone already knew, if not for JT Barret breaking his ankle the week before, The Buckeyes would have already been in the top 4.

Urban Meyer had one chance to prove The Buckeyes should be where they are and he took full advantage.

I really don't care what you leave me with......JUST LEAVE!!!!!!!

By virtue of TCU losing to Baylor, in reality they didn't even win their Conference.

They can cry foul all they want, in the end, The voices who matter, The 12 person committee, MADE THE RIGHT DECISION.

So you just keep posting your stupidity on a subject you once again HAVE NO CLUE about and I will keep enjoying uffda's"internet funnies'!!!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Originally Posted by: buckeyepackfan 

I could keep going and going...you know that. You are beyond clueless how this whole bowl thing operates. It's as corrupt as it gets...it isn't sports... it's a level of disgusting you obviously are oblivious to. You do prove that ignorance is bliss while ripping me. It is pure gold...the richness...the irony of you saying what you're saying to me.

One day, perhaps, you'll grow up and do some real thinking instead of your reactionary juvenile just barely the surface of an issue type. I believe in you but, clearly, today is not that day.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

9 years ago

I could keep going and going...you know that. You are beyond clueless how this whole bowl thing operates. It's as corrupt as it gets...it isn't sports... it's a level of disgusting you obviously are oblivious to. You do prove that ignorance is bliss while ripping me. It is pure gold...the richness...the irony of you saying what you're saying to me.

One day, perhaps, you'll grow up and do some real thinking instead of your reactionary juvenile just barely the surface of an issue type. I believe in you but, clearly, today is not that day.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

If I'm beyond clueless, JUST STOP REPLYING!!!!

Once again you have established yourself as the only member of this forum who understands football.

College or Pro.

Damn must be tough to know EVERYTHING and realize NO ONE will believe anything you say.

The only thing I don't understand is what talking about College football Bowl games has to do with you proving Ted Thompson needs to be fired!!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Let me recap:

You have no Respect for Football Fans, You have No respect for Packer fans, You have No respect for Wisconsin football , you have NO respect for The Big Ten as a whole.

You just keep right on posting your Bullshit, like everyone here is clueless.

I'll just keep on pointing out to you that You are The Biggest Joke to ever show up on this forum!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

I was addicted to The Hokey Pokey, but I turned myself around!
uffda udfa
9 years ago

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

If I'm beyond clueless, JUST STOP REPLYING!!!!

Once again you have established yourself as the only member of this forum who understands football.

College or Pro.

Damn must be tough to know EVERYTHING and realize NO ONE will believe anything you say.

The only thing I don't understand is what talking about College football Bowl games has to do with you proving Ted Thompson needs to be fired!!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Let me recap:

You have no Respect for Football Fans, You have No respect for Packer fans, You have No respect for Wisconsin football , you have NO respect for The Big Ten as a whole.

You just keep right on posting your Bullshit, like everyone here is clueless.

I'll just keep on pointing out to you that You are The Biggest Joke to ever show up on this forum!!!!

πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Originally Posted by: buckeyepackfan 

You have misstated my positions but if it's fun for you keep on keeping on.

You were right that I have no respect for the Big 10...nobody who knows football does. Wisconsin football isn't relevant to me because of the issues I have with college football in the first place. They play in the Big 10, so I don't have any respect for them.

Your overuse of emoticons is emblematic of an inferiority complex. I know you know the truth about your Buckeyes and whether they belong or not and how they got to where they are. It is fun pretending the truth isn't the truth though isn't it?

AJ Hawk is 30 and has been replaced by a late round draft choice with zero athleticism. Ironically, the position is improved over our wasted former high 1st rounder. How does someone like you square that fact? You don't...you just insult the person who is asking you to justify your inerrant beliefs.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

9 years ago
Ask any GM if they would spend the 5th overall pick, to end up with a player that would play for 9 years almost never missing a game, that would be the signal caller for defense, and lead the team in tackles and you can bet, those GMs would say Yes without a blink.
The world needs ditch diggers too Danny!!!
uffda udfa
9 years ago

Ask any GM if they would spend the 5th overall pick, to end up with a player that would play for 9 years almost never missing a game, that would be the signal caller for defense, and lead the team in tackles and you can bet, those GMs would say Yes without a blink.

Originally Posted by: PackFanWithTwins 

Not if you told them they were referring to AJ Hawk who I believe has caused 1 or 2 fumbles in his last 6 years as a LB...has few INT's, Sacks, and has NEVER scored a defensive TD. Peppers has TWO this year and he's not even played one full season and is 34 years old playing a position he's never played in his career. Yes, ILB's aren't judged by their TD's but to have...ZERO...in 9 years and so few forced fumbles? Almost zero impact.

You do realize an ILB or MLB SHOULD lead your team in tackles? Nick Barnett is way up there on the list for all time tackles, in fact...he's 3rd all time. The guy was average but a little better than AJ. If you honestly believe AJ was a great player, you have to believe that about Nick Barnett, too. Do you?

I respect Hawk for his availability. His tackling numbers are nothing but longevity based...not a great player...nowhere near one, actually.


EDIT: Prior to this season, if we were to compare Hawk's all time tackling numbers to Barnett's AJ would lead 1025 to 1014 (source: packers.com) The funny thing is that Hawk took 126 games to have an 11 tackle lead over Nick Barnett who played 103 games. So, Hawk took 23 more games to have 11 more tackles than Nick Barnett. Nick Barnett=Not very good. AJ Hawk not as good as Nick Barnett...overall, AJ Hawk just never, ever good enough.

To really end this foolishness on AJ and all his "impressive" tackles... keep in mind that the most tackles Hawk ever had in a season was 155. Nick Barnett had 194 in a season for the record. Hawk was nowhere close to Barnett in holding the single season tackling record. AJ Hawk is right up there with the legendary Randy Scott who had 151 tackles in a single season back in '85. Remember him? Dominant!
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

uffda udfa
9 years ago


"He's one of the toughest guys I've ever played with," Rodgers said. "He is, hands down, one of the greatest football warriors that I've played with. I mean, the guy has dealt with a ton of injuries over his time and played through them, and played really well through them. He's been a great Packer for us for so many years, and just embodies what it means to be a Packer.

"A great teammate, a great player, and really, really great in the community. The things that he supports, and his foundations, and just the way that he conducts himself, I think, makes all Packer fans proud. He's been a great teammate in the locker room. Nothing's changed with him. I think he's just continuing to be ready and play whatever role he's asked to play."

Originally Posted by: buckeyepackfan 

I love that you left this part out...

β€œA.J. and I are good friends and we’ve spent a lot of time together, sitting next to each other in meetings for the last nine years. Obviously, a lot of games together, a lot of wins, a lot of good times, a lot of dinners that his wife has invited me over to β€” she’s a great cook,” Rodgers said. β€œI’ve always really enjoyed his friendship and his leadership on our team and just his attitude toward football.

---Umm, I know you're so football smart and me so dumb, but don't you think that's kind of germane to the discussion here? Rodgers and Hawk are buddies. Aaron is anything but objective when it comes to his commentary, but guys like you feed off nonsense like that. Puff pieces are hard hitting truths to you.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

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    Mucky Tundra (16h) : @ochocinco Jayden Reed bitch, learn the fucking name now got damn casual fans πŸ§€
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    beast (26-Jun) : And the Hershey Bears for their AHL Championship πŸ† with tons of overtime games
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    wpr (24-Jun) : NOT
    wpr (24-Jun) : This is such a relief. I have been so worried that Cowturd, I mean, herd would never approve of Love.
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    dfosterf (21-Jun) : Supposedly looked good up to this point in OTA's etc. "Monster Leg" mentioned.
    dfosterf (21-Jun) : Packers picked up Lions reject kicker James Turner, the guy they cut to make room for Jake Bates
    Mucky Tundra (20-Jun) : And Javon Bullard missing a tackle. Win some lose some apparently
    Zero2Cool (20-Jun) : Madden 25 trailer opens with Justin Fields returning a kick off hahahaha
    Zero2Cool (19-Jun) : Packers have released kicker Jack Podlesny.
    Zero2Cool (19-Jun) : I saw that today. I actually thought he passed away few years ago. 24 time All Star.
    Martha Careful (19-Jun) : sad news tonight. Willie Mays passes away. He was the greatest of all time
    Martha Careful (16-Jun) : Amen Z2C, I hope all of you fathers have a terrific Fathers' Day. Be great fathers!!!
    Zero2Cool (16-Jun) : Happy Father's Day to the dad's
    Zero2Cool (14-Jun) : YOU BROKE IT
    buckeyepackfan (14-Jun) : Welcome to "The Dead Zone" may the only Packer News we hear is positive!!
    buckeyepackfan (14-Jun) : Trevor Lawrence-5yr 275mil-200mil guaranteed. J-10VE is next.
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    jdlax (11-Jun) : Hahaha hellllllll no, Sunday is king! It's those Thursday night games that hurt
    Mucky Tundra (11-Jun) : @AndyHermanNFL Looks like Tucker Kraft is out of the sling. Progress!
    Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : That's also my oldests birthday
    Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Thought it was I fucking hate SNF. I went what why it's consistently way better than any other game
    Zero2Cool (11-Jun) : Whoa. I read that so wrong before Jared lol
    wpr (10-Jun) : that's great jdlax
    jdlax (10-Jun) : God I hate the Shithawks
    jdlax (10-Jun) : Sunday Night fucking Football
    jdlax (10-Jun) : I just got my tickets to represent in Seattle December 15th woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    Martha Careful (9-Jun) : I really enjoyed game 1 of the Stanley Cup final. Sergei Bobrovsky G - FL was incredibly good.
    Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : *NFL
    Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : @ByRyanWood Pads or no pads, welcome to the N
    Mucky Tundra (4-Jun) : @ByRyanWood Rashan Gary just steamrolled Jordan Morgan on a bull rush. Drove right over him to the ground.
    Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : God and a lot of money brought Reggie to GB
    Mucky Tundra (3-Jun) : yep. became the highest paid defensive player in the league and 3rd highest behind Elway and Marino
    Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Packers signed second-round pick Javon Bullard
    Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Reggie White got something like 4 years $17m total right?
    buckeyepackfan (3-Jun) : 110mil guaranteed!!!
    Zero2Cool (3-Jun) : Justin Jefferson. 4/$140m ??? wow
    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @AndyHermanNFL Sean Rhyan getting some reps at center in walkthroughs. They are rotating guys everywhere.
    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : or that might have been an individual drill thing
    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : that was from the 29th but I've seen other combs (including Rhyan@C)
    Mucky Tundra (31-May) : @ByRyanWood Without Elgton Jenkins and Zach Tom, #Packers starting OL: Rasheed Walker, Jordan Morgan, Josh Myers, Sean Rhyan, Andre Dillard.
    Martha Careful (31-May) : I have never seen an OTA, but who is lining up at LT and RG with starters? or is it all individual drills?
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