10 years ago

While you have not directly said gay people are evil, you have reasonably implied as much, which I will touch on shortly. And yes, I'm saying calling homosexuality evil is denigrating gay people.

I'm also bringing in some generalities of what certain segments of the population who also say such things follow up with doing (e.g. petitioning to block gay marriage rights, which you seemingly aren't doing actively). I've admittedly not been clear about this.

Still, I reiterate that calling homosexuality evil, abomination, etc. is denigrating gay people. This is only consistent with my stance below regarding your "hate the sin, not the sinner" line.

Call me ignorant all you want, it's a bullshit stance. You've put forth zero reason for the person or the act to be criticized. Zero. And you've not addressed the point that in decrying the act you are necessarily decrying a gay man or woman finding a significant other with which to spend the rest of his or her life. That's a pretty big f*ck you to someone.

It's this stance--the we love you but hate how you are and what you're attracted to so we're going to change you--that led people (here's where I'm talking generally, not necessarily you) to set up the whole "conversion therapy" and "pray away the gay camps" that have done nothing to change sexual tendencies but have led to causes of depression and, in rare cases, suicide. It's this shit that leads people to petition against gay marriage rights. It IS bullshit.

When you set homosexuals on the same level as rapists and criminals you don't see how that can be reasonably construed as condemning them?

Ah, because they don't share the same world view as you. Got it.

By the way, is this the same book from which you blatantly cherry pick? If the sole authority is the literal word of this book then are you okay with slavery as laid out in Leviticus? Do you think women are second class citizens at best and property at worst? Do you think we should take every NFL employee from the coaches down to the beer man working the stands and bludgeon them to death with big f*cking rocks for working on the sabbath? Are you against mixed fabrics and shellfish and pork? I can cherry pick all day from that book too and find shit you don't agree with.

You can't point to one line in the bible as your sole justification for a stance and then ignore other parts. Otherwise, that line is nothing more than an excuse to hide behind so you don't have to take responsibility for your baseless, bigoted opinion.

If you believe judgment lies with god then you probably shouldn't be calling out what you have cherry picked to be a sin.

You don't bash/denigrate but you ridicule?

You believe judgment is reserved for god but you go ahead and say sorry for sinning but I'm going to judge them?... yet again reminds me of saying "no offense..." only to proceed to offend.

Again. One valid reason why homosexuals or homosexuality should be condemned. One.

Originally Posted by: mi_keys 

It seems like you are reaching the bottom of your barrel of arguments hahahaha. This is pretty weak stuff - just kinda a "is not/is so" sort of thing.

Perhaps I over-emphasized my niceness - NOT denigrating homosexuals/NOT hating the sinners, but merely the sin. It seems that a large part of your position is like "oh, you'll hurt their feelings if you identify their behavior as an abomination or a perversion or whatever". To that, I say, "frankly, I don't give a damn". The fact that I have noticed a portion of that group who were fairly nice people (kinda a "other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how did you enjoy the play?" scenario) does not diminish the larger fact that they practice what the great majority of people, relgions, and cultures regard as evil and abominable and unnatural. Thus, IMNHO, leaving them alone to practice their abomination (which is all most homosexuals want anyway) should be plenty. It is YOUR kind - non-homosexual change-mongers who don't see merely leaving the poor bastards alone as being enough - you want to mess with the lives and attitudes of good normal people, teach crap in schools that homosexuality is somehow just a normal alternative life style, etc. THAT - and the dragging down of American and Judeo-Christian values that it brings - is what I am most opposed to. And within that paragraph lies the answer to you ending question: because it is seen as an abomination/a perversion/unnatural by the great majority of cultures, religions, and people in general throughout the history of the world - THAT is why the behavior (not the practicers of the behavior) should be condemned.

As for those camps and conversion therapies you mentioned, I hadn't even heard of that until recently. I guess my position is they are pretty naive if they really think they can have much of an effect. However, their heart is in the right place, and I don't think they should be judged for their point of view. How about you hahahaha? Been doing any judging in that area?

Ridiculing: I ask you, are you so humorless and stuffy that you've never told or laughed at a good fag joke? Who among us hasn't? (Who hasn't referred to that team we hate in Minnesota as the "Viqueens"?) I've even heard homosexuals themselves joke around that way - just as Irish and Italians, etc. are the biggest ridiculers of their own kind. Are you really gonna JUDGE those of us doing that ridiculing?

One last word about the "hate the sin, not the sinners" concept: As you are so fond of pointing out, people aren't supposed to judge people - that's God's realm - thus, NOT hating the sinners. The SINS, however, have ALREADY been judged by God, and if you believe as most Christians do (yeah, maybe you don't, but whatever hahahaha) that the Bible is God's inspired word. And as for "cherry-picking", yeah, I plead guilty to some of that, but I ask you, how is that any different from YOUR own cherry-picking - casually assuming that rapists (which I don't think I even mentioned) or practicers of bestiality, prostitution, pedophilia, etc. are higher on the hierarchy of sins than the abomination known as homosexuality. THAT is exactly what you are doing when you brazenly claim that homsexuality is not on the "same level" as those.
Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
10 years ago
Texas, good normal Americans like you always spew are people who stand on the border with hate signs terrorizing already frightened children trying to escape horrific life conditions. Or are they the hypocrite Christians that fuck thy neighbor six days a week and show up for Sunday services? Or are they the business owners that screw both their customers on outrageous markup and their employees on wages and benefits?

Just who are these good normal Americans you always talk about? I absolutely love the times we are living in because extreme right wing tight-asses like you have to stomach everything that you hate and there isn't anything you're going to do about it but vote for abonimable politicians like Teddy Cruz. Those damn liberals, huh Texas? LOL

Oh yeah, and a little tangent for you. Awesome to see Rick Perry being indicted on felonies, talk about a douce bag.
10 years ago

Texas, good normal Americans like you always spew are people who stand on the border with hate signs terrorizing already frightened children trying to escape horrific life conditions. Or are they the hypocrite Christians that f*ck thy neighbor six days a week and show up for Sunday services? Or are they the business owners that screw both their customers on outrageous markup and their employees on wages and benefits?

Just who are these good normal Americans you always talk about? I absolutely love the times we are living in because extreme right wing tight-asses like you have to stomach everything that you hate and there isn't anything you're going to do about it but vote for abonimable politicians like Teddy Cruz. Those damn liberals, huh Texas? LOL

Oh yeah, and a little tangent for you. Awesome to see Rick Perry being indicted on felonies, talk about a douce bag.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

What was this thread about, again? Oh yeah, gay marriage.

So you want to switch to politics/class warfare/illegal immigration, etc.? You better check with Z2C about that it sounds kinda political to me hahahaha, and this ain't the Back Alley.

I will just say, the Good Normal People of America will prevail in the 2014 and 2016 elections - I haven't decided who to support there yet - it just depends who seems to have the best chance and doesn't have the last name Paul hahahaha. Anyway, taking the Senate and then the presidency two years later will have an extremely positive effect on all issues - maybe not so much on gay marriage, as the bad abnormal Americans seem to have made a lot of sick progress in that arena. On virtually everything else, though, we should be able to beat down the forces of evil and keep America in position to make the world a free, secure, and happy place - everywhere not controlled by Muslims, anyway.

I'm not worried about Rick Perry. The Democrat DA of what we call around here the "Socialist Republic of Austin" is a drunken bitch - literally - she stayed in office even after a DWI. As that old expression goes, a DA could get an indictment of a ham sandwich or something like that. Getting a conviction has zero chance, as the case is ridiculously politically motivated.

Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
10 years ago

What was this thread about, again? Oh yeah, gay marriage.

So you want to switch to politics/class warfare/illegal immigration, etc.? You better check with Z2C about that it sounds kinda political to me hahahaha, and this ain't the Back Alley.

I will just say, the Good Normal People of America will prevail in the 2014 and 2016 elections - I haven't decided who to support there yet - it just depends who seems to have the best chance and doesn't have the last name Paul hahahaha. Anyway, taking the Senate and then the presidency two years later will have an extremely positive effect on all issues - maybe not so much on gay marriage, as the bad abnormal Americans seem to have made a lot of sick progress in that arena. On virtually everything else, though, we should be able to beat down the forces of evil and keep America in position to make the world a free, secure, and happy place - everywhere not controlled by Muslims, anyway.

I'm not worried about Rick Perry. The Democrat DA of what we call around here the "Socialist Republic of Austin" is a drunken bitch - literally - she stayed in office even after a DWI. As that old expression goes, a DA could get an indictment of a ham sandwich or something like that. Getting a conviction has zero chance, as the case is ridiculously politically motivated.

Originally Posted by: texaspackerbacker 

If Dakota likes peckers up his keester, who are you to try and suppress his urges?
10 years ago

If Dakota likes peckers up his keester, who are you to try and suppress his urges?

Originally Posted by: dfosterf 

Oooooh, a new twist. It's taken you this long to come up with that? You aren't real quick are you, Gunny? Must be a jarhead thing.

It really is amusing how threatened you "good normal Americans" [sarcasm] by anybody or anything different.
10 years ago

Oooooh, a new twist. It's taken you this long to come up with that? You aren't real quick are you, Gunny? Must be a jarhead thing.

It really is amusing how threatened you "good normal Americans" [sarcasm] by anybody or anything different.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

Yes, I am kind of slow.

10 years ago

Yes, I am kind of slow.

Originally Posted by: dfosterf 

You must know by now that weak shit like that has no effect on me, hell even Texas knows that, but he keeps trying with his version of weak shit. Maybe you guys should PM each other on how to try and get under my skin. There really is only one way, but I doubt you "wise men", LOL, will ever figure it out.
10 years ago

You must know by now that weak shit like that has no effect on me, hell even Texas knows that, but he keeps trying with his version of weak shit. Maybe you guys should PM each other on how to try and get under my skin. There really is only one way, but I doubt you "wise men", LOL, will ever figure it out.

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

As if we care? What makes you think any of this shit is about you? There was actually some decent flow of discussion back and forth with somebody capable of intelligent, albeit wrongheaded statement of the pro-homosexuality agenda until you jumped in and tried to fuck up the thread like you literally always do.

Or did your mother grow up in the middle of the homosexual reservation - but of course, she wasn't one?

BTW, did you hear the guy on NFL Network last night? He actually said, "Sam got good penetration into the backfield that time". Flynn scrambled like Michael Vick on that play.

Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
10 years ago
I don't get it.

It should be a simple equation in every state, every country.

If two people, regardless of gender, want to get married, let them do it. Anybody else's opinion shouldn't matter.

The "ability" to act upon that decision should be a basic human right.

I mean, why the fuck does it matter to any of us who takes a dick to where?

And texaspackerbacker - they turk your jerb. They really did.
Zero2Cool is my captain.
10 years ago

I don't get it.

It should be a simple equation in every state, every country.

If two people, regardless of gender, want to get married, let them do it. Anybody else's opinion shouldn't matter.

The "ability" to act upon that decision should be a basic human right.

I mean, why the f*ck does it matter to any of us who takes a dick to where?

And texaspackerbacker - they turk your jerb. They really did.

Originally Posted by: VinceLambeauStarr 

I don't even know what that last line means.

So you're a big liberal who wants to allow whatever as long as they're consenting, blah blah blah?

Then why not polygamy - which arguably is a helluva lot more natural than homosexuality? Why have age restrictions? Why not allow bestiality?

HYPOCRITES like to promote their particular variety of perversion ahead of all others. If there is any validity to your arguments in favor of it at all, where do you get off picking and choosing one perversion over others?

Expressing the Good Normal Views of Good Normal Americans.
If Anything I Say Smacks of Extremism, Please Tell Me EXACTLY What.
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (17h) : QB coach Sean Mannion
Zero2Cool (17h) : DL Coach DeMarcus Covington
dfosterf (19h) : from ft Belvoir, Quantico and points south. Somber reminder of this tragedy at Reagan Nat Airport
dfosterf (20h) : So eerily quiet here in Alexandria. I live in the flight path of commercial craft coming from the south and west, plus the military craft
dfosterf (20h) : So eeri
Mucky Tundra (23h) : Now that's a thought, maybe they're looking at the college ranks? Maybe not head coaches but DC/assistant DCs with league experience?
beast (30-Jan) : College Coaches wouldn't want that publicly, as it would hurt recruiting and they might not get the job.
beast (30-Jan) : I thought they were supposed to publicly announce them, at least the NFL ones. Hafley was from college, so I believe different rules.
Mucky Tundra (30-Jan) : Who knows who they're interviewing? I mean, nobody knew about Hafley and then out of nowhere he was hired
beast (30-Jan) : I wonder what's taking so long with hiring a DL coach, 2 of the 3 known to interview have already been hired elsewhere.
Zero2Cool (27-Jan) : Packers coach Matt LaFleur hires Luke Getsy as senior assistant, extends Rich Bisaccia's deal
Zero2Cool (27-Jan) : Chiefs again huh? I guess another Super Bowl I'll be finding something else to do.
Mucky Tundra (27-Jan) : Chiefs Eagles...again...sigh
dfosterf (27-Jan) : Happy Birthday Dave!
Mucky Tundra (27-Jan) : happy birthday dhazer
TheKanataThrilla (26-Jan) : Exactly buck...Washington came up with the ball. It is just a shitty coincidence one week later
buckeyepackfan (26-Jan) : I forgot, they corrected the call a week later. Lol btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY dhazer!
buckeyepackfan (26-Jan) : That brings up the question, why wasn't Nixon down by contact? I think that was the point Kanata was making.
buckeyepackfan (26-Jan) : Turnovers rule, win the turnover battle, win the game.
packerfanoutwest (26-Jan) : well, he was
TheKanataThrilla (26-Jan) : Eagles down by contact on the fumble....fuck you NFL
Mucky Tundra (26-Jan) : I think this games over
beast (26-Jan) : Eagles sure get a lot of fumbles on kickoffs
Mucky Tundra (26-Jan) : This game looks too big for Washington
packerfanoutwest (26-Jan) : that being said, The Ravens are the Browns
packerfanoutwest (26-Jan) : Browns, Dolphins have longest AFC Championship droughts
packerfanoutwest (26-Jan) : As of today, Cowboys have longest NFC Championship drought,
beast (26-Jan) : Someone pointed out, with Raiders hiring Carroll, the division games between Carroll and Jim Harbaugh are back on (who can whine more games)
beast (26-Jan) : I'm confused, Pete Carroll and Brian Schottenheimer? When Todd Monken, Joe Brady, Kellen Moore, Kliff Kingsbury and Zac Robinson are availab
Zero2Cool (25-Jan) : Any reason I'm catching a shot here about my intelligence?
Martha Careful (25-Jan) : thank you Mucky for sticking up for me
Martha Careful (25-Jan) : some of those people are smarter than you zero. However Pete Carroll is not
Mucky Tundra (24-Jan) : Rude!
beast (24-Jan) : Martha? 😋
Zero2Cool (24-Jan) : Raiders hired someone from the elderly home.
dfosterf (24-Jan) : I'm going with a combination of the two.
beast (24-Jan) : Either the Cowboys have no idea what they're doing, or they're targeting their former OC, currently the Eagles OC
Zero2Cool (23-Jan) : Fake news. Cowboys say no
Zero2Cool (23-Jan) : Mystery candidate in the Cowboys head coaching search believed to be Packers ST Coordinator Rich Bisaccia.
beast (23-Jan) : Also why do both NYC teams have absolutely horrible OL for over a decade?
beast (23-Jan) : I wonder why the Jets always hire defensive coaches to be head coach
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Still HC positions available out there. I wonder if Hafley pops up for one
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Trent Baalke is out as the Jaguars GM.
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Jeff Hafley would have been a better choice, fortunately they don't know that. Someone will figure that out next off season
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Aaron Glenn Planning To Take Jets HC Job
dfosterf (22-Jan) : Martha- C'est mon boulot! 😁
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Thank you
wpr (22-Jan) : Z, glad you are feeling better.
wpr (22-Jan) : My son and D-I-L work for UM. It's a way to pick on them.
Zero2Cool (22-Jan) : Thank you. I rarely get sick, and even more rarely sick to the point I can't work.
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Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
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Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
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Sunday, Jan 12 @ 3:30 PM
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