This is total conspiracy type stuff but I wouldn't discount this possibility...
I think most NFL observers look at the Packer TE situation as disastrous. Finley is still out there cleared by a Steelers doctor meaning he may not be able to cash his policy because he has been cleared to play and received an offer according to Jermichael himself.
It would make sense that Finley and his camp believe the Packers have nothing at TE so they feel they can extort a better offer from us because of this.
So, what do the Packers do? All this effusive praise is released to the media on Richard Rodgers. Aaron and MM gushing about him. That is the one guy that Jermichael would have no personal knowledge about as to his skill level. So, now we hear stories liKe Richard Rodgers may start giving the impression we're okay at TE when that may be the furthest from the truth, all to get Finley to the idea we're good without him and moving on unless he takes next to nothing from us financially.
This team loves Finley. It is funny the door has not been shut and not only not shut but it seems the Packers would love to have him back unlike many others they say similar door not being shut things about. It's gotta be a money issue...Finley wants a bunch because he feels he's fine and ready to roll and every other NFL team cautious.
He may be back after all...I now believe he will more than I have at any other point in this process.
Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."