Get off your high horse, when are you going to realize, because most are now just flat out saying it straight to your face, you are a joke.
Nobody takes you serious, in fact, most are responding to you, just to get another dumbass reaction from you.
I thought you might realize that, when I started asking for studies and quotes on this subject.
I guess you just hold yourself at such a high esteem, you are thinking that everyone here just can't wait for your next response.
You are sadlley mistaken.
You think you have all this knowledge about football, and think you are somehow doing everyone on this forum a favor by spreading your crap around.
You find the posters on this forum boring and simplisctic?
Then why don't you move on?
There has to be other beings in this universe with your high intellect.
Go find them.
You bring nothing to this forum.
There is an internet word that describes you, I believe it is Troll.
I would say I can't wait for your response, but I'm not gonna screw with you anymore, nothing you say is relevant.
Originally Posted by: StarrMax1