10 years ago

Thank you, this makes all the efforts of getting more folks to contribute so much easier when people like you irrationally insult them for starting a topic.

Please step off your high horse, thank you kindly.

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

I'll always call out dumbass stuff when I read or hear it. I'm not an essay writer, so no high horse here, man!
10 years ago

I'll always call out dumbass stuff when I read or hear it. I'm not an essay writer, so no high horse here, man!

Originally Posted by: DakotaT 

For the most part, I completely skip over almost anything udfa posts. His "logic" is simply hilarious. It's almost as bad as the lunatic Texas. Poor guy. Hopefully he's at least entertaining himself. I enjoy most every other post, though.
10 years ago

For the most part, I completely skip over almost anything udfa posts. His "logic" is simply hilarious. It's almost as bad as the lunatic Texas. Poor guy. Hopefully he's at least entertaining himself. I enjoy most every other post, though.

Originally Posted by: DoddPower 

It's better than us all agreeing on everything. What fun would that be?
uffda udfa
10 years ago

I am definitely not giving Thompson a pass. He hasn't been perfect. I would never say that. But I do believe he is a good GM with a draft and develop philosophy I believe in and respect.

Originally Posted by: DarkaneRules 

I'd bet dollars to donuts you wouldn't be typing that had we not gotten to the show. Aaron played out of his freaking mind at Atlanta and in the SB. I live in Dallas...many around here when the subject of Packers and Cowboys come up that the Packers were "lucky" to have won the one SB they did here in Dallas. We suffered so many injuries and still won it that year, but I would agree we were lucky. It is remarkable to look at that play Desmond Bishop made on DeSean Jackson and to know if he doesn't barely clip him the Packers experience another one and done. The fact is he didn't...the fact also is we haven't been back to even an NFC Championship game since. The only playoff win since was to a Vikings team in our yard starting Joe freaking Webb and that was an ugly win at that. We've had ONE winning run under Ted Thompson and MM...the rest of our playoff showings were total failures not just in the sense of not winning it all.

Sherman and Thompson two guys riding HOF QB's ... back then I would bet you were as pro Mike Sherman as you are pro Ted Thompson today.

Anyone who likes the approach that makes us SF's beyotch year after year is someone I can't relate to at all.

I recall when the schedule was announced most thought the Packers would get drilled by Seattle. Why is that? We aren't good enough to compete with them. So, if you think we aren't good enough to compete with them why are you such a fan of TT? Did we do enough to try and overtake them? You can't possibly tell me you think Ted Thompson is going to "in a few years" have us ready to beat SF and SEA. A few years is Aaron at 33-34 years old where his escapability is all but gone most likely.

Looking at now and thinking that now goes on forever is foolish thing many do in many different areas of life. This moment comes but once. Soon, we could be right back to 2-5-1 Packers type football for decades. Ted Thompson hasn't built a great team, he drafted an all world QB. You don't seem to get that at all. This team minus Rodgers...SUCKS. Totally SUCKS. You can disagree but I believe deep down you know that's the truth.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

10 years ago

It's better than us all agreeing on everything. What fun would that be?

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

To each their own, I suppose. Disagreement is one thing. But ad nauseum upside-down logic is another.
  • wpr
  • Preferred Member
10 years ago

I'd bet dollars to donuts you wouldn't be typing that had we not gotten to the show. Aaron played out of his freaking mind at Atlanta and in the SB. I live in Dallas...many around here when the subject of Packers and Cowboys come up that the Packers were "lucky" to have won the one SB they did here in Dallas. We suffered so many injuries and still won it that year, but I would agree we were lucky. It is remarkable to look at that play Desmond Bishop made on DeSean Jackson and to know if he doesn't barely clip him the Packers experience another one and done. The fact is he didn't...the fact also is we haven't been back to even an NFC Championship game since. The only playoff win since was to a Vikings team in our yard starting Joe freaking Webb and that was an ugly win at that. We've had ONE winning run under Ted Thompson and MM...the rest of our playoff showings were total failures not just in the sense of not winning it all.

Sherman and Thompson two guys riding HOF QB's ... back then I would bet you were as pro Mike Sherman as you are pro Ted Thompson today.

Anyone who likes the approach that makes us SF's beyotch year after year is someone I can't relate to at all.

I recall when the schedule was announced most thought the Packers would get drilled by Seattle. Why is that? We aren't good enough to compete with them. So, if you think we aren't good enough to compete with them why are you such a fan of TT? Did we do enough to try and overtake them? You can't possibly tell me you think Ted Thompson is going to "in a few years" have us ready to beat SF and SEA. A few years is Aaron at 33-34 years old where his escapability is all but gone most likely.

Looking at now and thinking that now goes on forever is foolish thing many do in many different areas of life. This moment comes but once. Soon, we could be right back to 2-5-1 Packers type football for decades. Ted Thompson hasn't built a great team, he drafted an all world QB. You don't seem to get that at all. This team minus Rodgers...SUCKS. Totally SUCKS. You can disagree but I believe deep down you know that's the truth.

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

I don't hold Uncle Teddy in as low of a degree as you do but he has certainly had his share of misses in the draft and I certainly oppose building the team in one manner and one manner only ie: draft and hope to develop. I think you will find most fans are more than happy to have a team go 10-6 from now until the end of time simply because the team could get lucky in the playoffs.
uffda udfa
10 years ago

To each their own, I suppose. Disagreement is one thing. But ad nauseum upside-down logic is another.

Originally Posted by: DoddPower 

You are free to characterize me any way you see fit but I think you would have to agree my posts have more angles and underpinning to them than your own do.

It is very easy to rip someone. It is very easy to type one line simplistic posts. You are good at those. Can you craft one that features logic and ties things to other things? I don't know but you sure can try to diminish someone who can.

My logic may be beyond you...I don't know...I see a lot of insults and criticism hurled my way but actual counter reasoning is as thin as generic toilet paper and scarce as a good GM minus a stud QB in Green bay.

My guess is you have issues with me because you can't refute things you say you don't believe in. You don't agree with me but you don't have enough to back what you actually believe. You just state your belief and say that's what I believe as if that's some kind of logical well reasoned posting. It isn't. I work hard to not be as boring and simplistic as many are on these kind of forums. Those types of people are a dime a dozen. No sizzle, no depth, no nothing but insults for those who can do such things. This one is for StarrMax. [grin1]

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

10 years ago

You are free to characterize me any way you see fit but I think you would have to agree my posts have more angles and underpinning to them than your own do.

It is very easy to rip someone. It is very easy to type one line simplistic posts. You are good at those. Can you craft one that features logic and ties things to other things? I don't know but you sure can try to diminish someone who can.

My logic may be beyond you...I don't know...I see a lot of insults and criticism hurled my way but actual counter reasoning is as thin as generic toilet paper and scarce as a good GM minus a stud QB in Green bay.

My guess is you have issues with me because you can't refute things you say you don't believe in. You don't agree with me but you don't have enough to back what you actually believe. You just state your belief and say that's what I believe as if that's some kind of logical well reasoned posting. It isn't. I work hard to not be as boring and simplistic as many are on these kind of forums. Those types of people are a dime a dozen. No sizzle, no depth, no nothing but insults for those who can do such things. This one is for StarrMax. [grin1]

Originally Posted by: uffda udfa 

Hah, you can say whatever you want. I have posted plenty of long posts here throughout the years, as have most of the active posters have long before you came along. But some people simply aren't worth arguing with, because they are set in their opinions, and nothing is going to change that. It's a waste of time. One would have better luck arguing with a wall. These people cherry-pick facts, pigeon-hole all those that disagree with them, and make laughable leaps of logic to arrive at their opinion, which they view as indisputable fact. I simply have better things to do, and definitely don't have the amount of time to post on forums as you do. I could take an extra hour here or there to debate topics with you, but you would respond with the same nonsensical drivel over and over again, and ultimately, the debate wouldn't move forward in any meaningful way. The only thing it would achieve would be an exercise of futility. Posters like you are typical of every forum everywhere, and in society in general. For the most part, most of us understand that and ignore most of the silly things said by those posters, but we're not perfect and slip up occasionally.

The superiority complex you have is off-putting to many. It's completely possible to present your opinion based upon your idea of evidence without belittling others opinions, but you're apparently not capable of doing that. At this point, I think most people here are getting used to it and just accepting it for what it is. It's always cyclical, and predictable. But like I said, as long as it brings you some joy, I suppose that's all that matters. But I think it's safe to say your opinion of yourself is much different than most others. I'm not suggesting that you should care about that, because you obviously don't, but you shouldn't be surprised when so many disagree with you.
uffda udfa
10 years ago

Hah, you can say whatever you want. I have posted plenty of long posts here throughout the years, as have most of the active posters have long before you came along. But some people simply aren't worth arguing with, because they are set in their opinions, and nothing is going to change that. It's a waste of time. One would have better luck arguing with a wall. These people cherry-pick facts, pigeon-hole all those that disagree with them, and make laughable leaps of logic to arrive at their opinion, which they view as indisputable fact. I simply have better things to do, and definitely don't have the amount of time to post on forums as you do. I could take an extra hour here or there to debate topics with you, but you would respond with the same nonsensical drivel over and over again, and ultimately, the debate wouldn't move forward in any meaningful way. The only thing it would achieve would be an exercise of futility. Posters like you are typical of every forum everywhere, and in society in general. For the most part, most of us understand that and ignore most of the silly things said by those posters, but we're not perfect and slip up occasionally.

The superiority complex you have is off-putting to many. It's completely possible to present your opinion based upon your idea of evidence without belittling others opinions, but you're apparently not capable of doing that. At this point, I think most people here are getting used to it and just accepting it for what it is. It's always cyclical, and predictable. But like I said, as long as it brings you some joy, I suppose that's all that matters. But I think it's safe to say your opinion of yourself is much different than most others. I'm not suggesting that you should care about that, because you obviously don't, but you shouldn't be surprised when so many disagree with you.

Originally Posted by: DoddPower 

Hey, you might be right...you don't have the time to write detailed posts but you do when called on it and to try to insult me. My favorite portion is the superiority complex allegation. How did you arrive to that conclusion?

Would it be fair to say that part of you doesn't want to engage because you're fearful something will be replied that will have actually studied and reasoned your statements and concluded the exact opposite with facts in support? Case in point... 2 1st rounder for Graham. You allege my logic is upside down. I provide you with all the tools you need to click a link to see how many stars we've drafted over the year in the 1st round. I post about my findings and I get ripped mercilessly that I'm insane. Did anyone ever disprove what I stated? Nope. Just more and more insults and they continue here with your passive aggressive approach. Case in point: Dexter Sinister converting play2win with a stat about targets and fumbles that Boykin is as good as Jeffery. I used the exact same logic he used to say Donald Brown was better than AD. He called that lacking in integrity and quit. play2win dropped all kinds of f bombs and ran off because he made a foolish statement that I took apart piece by piece. Case in point: I broke down the salary cap implications of Graham...compiled a list of 7 or so players who might be cut anyway and possibly for cap purposes. I post info about the cap tie it to Thursday night simulcast football on CBS this year and link articles and tweets about the cap going to 150 million plus by 2016 and I get someone hammering me that I haven't consideredI the cap ramifications of adding Graham. Meanwhile, that exact same person posted not one single factual or data piece regarding the cap, but I'm the one who is off in my opinion? If you can't see how rich that is...

I've taken a ton of name calling and mockery from people who don't state cases very well rather they insult sneer and mock as if that is some kind of showing me. I find it hysterical, really. I'm fully confident and comfortable with how I construct posts and am as confident of the soundness of the logic within them. You may be the same in that regard but if I'm pressed I'll detail my thoughts, where I don't think many can do that very well. Does that mean I'm better or think I'm superior? Ha! You've judge that already. I'm guilty of being an egomaniac. No. I'm guilty of being who and what I am and that is someone who takes time to look deeply into issues and takes time to think about the things he believes and is always challenging himself to learn more or see it another way. That happens here with some of you. There are posts that offer good points here. I applaud those.

Continue with your insults...I'll continue doing what I'm doing.

Ted Thompson sits on his hands per former GM: "because they’ve had 25 fricking years of great quarterbacks. Of course it works. Try it without a special quarterback."

10 years ago

It's better than us all agreeing on everything. What fun would that be?

Originally Posted by: Zero2Cool 

Because everyone agreed on everything for the first 6-7 years of this forum's existence...

We must have been coming here strictly for the aesthetics.
Born and bred a cheesehead
Fan Shout
Zero2Cool (5m) : I see what you did there Mucky
Zero2Cool (5m) : dammit. 3:25pm
Zero2Cool (5m) : Packers Vikings flexed to 3:35pm
Mucky Tundra (13m) : Upon receiving the news about Luke Musgrave, I immediately fell to the ground
Mucky Tundra (13m) : Yeah baby!
Zero2Cool (1h) : I wanna kill new QB's ... blitz the crap out of them.
beast (1h) : Barry seemed to get too conservative against new QBs, Hafley doesn't have that issue
Zero2Cool (2h) : However, we seem to struggle vs new QB's
Zero2Cool (2h) : Should be moot point, cuz Packers should win tonight.
packerfanoutwest (2h) : ok I stand corrected
Zero2Cool (2h) : Ok, yes, you are right. I see that now how they get 7th
Zero2Cool (2h) : 5th - Packers win out, Vikings lose out. Maybe?
beast (2h) : Saying no to the 6th lock.
beast (2h) : No, with the Commanders beating the Eagles, Packers could have a good chance of 6th or 7th unless the win out
Zero2Cool (3h) : I think if Packers win, they are locked 6th with chance for 5th.
beast (3h) : But it doesn't matter, as the Packers win surely win one of their remaining games
beast (3h) : This is not complex, just someone doesn't want to believe reality
beast (3h) : We already have told you... if Packers lose all their games (they won't, but if they did), and Buccaneers and Falcons win all theirs
Zero2Cool (3h) : I posted it in that Packers and 1 seed thread
Zero2Cool (3h) : I literally just said it.
packerfanoutwest (3h) : show us a scenario where Pack don't get in? bet you can't
Zero2Cool (3h) : Falcons, Buccaneers would need to win final two games.
Zero2Cool (3h) : Yes, if they win one of three, they are lock. If they lose out, they can be eliminated.
packerfanoutwest (3h) : as I just said,,gtheyh are in no matter what
Zero2Cool (3h) : Packers should get in. I just hope it's not 7th seed. Feels dirty.
packerfanoutwest (3h) : If packers lose out, no matter what, they are in
packerfanoutwest (3h) : both teams can not male the playoffs....falcon hold the tie breaker
packerfanoutwest (3h) : if bucs win out they win their division
beast (3h) : Fine, Buccaneers and Falcons can get ahead of us
packerfanoutwest (3h) : falcons are already ahead of us
beast (3h) : Packers will get in
beast (3h) : If Packers lose the rest of their games and Falcons win the rest of theirs, they could pass us... but not gonna happen
packerfanoutwest (3h) : they still are in the playoffs
packerfanoutwest (3h) : If Packers lose the remaining games,,,,at 10-7
Zero2Cool (5h) : We can say it. We don't play.
Mucky Tundra (6h) : But to say they are in is looking past the Saints
Mucky Tundra (6h) : That said, their odds are very favorable with a >99% chance of making the playoffs entering this week's games
Mucky Tundra (6h) : Packers are not in and have not clinched a playoff spot.
buckeyepackfan (7h) : Packers are in, they need to keep winning to improve their seed#.
Mucky Tundra (16h) : Getting help would have been nice, but helping ourselves should always be the plan
beast (16h) : Too bad Seahawks couldn't beat Vikings
bboystyle (17h) : We just need to win Monday night and were in
Mucky Tundra (20h) : Or ties, but let's be real here
Mucky Tundra (20h) : Other scenario was Falcons+Rams losses
Mucky Tundra (20h) : Needed a Falcons loss for a Seahawk loss to clinch
buckeyepackfan (20h) : Am I wring in saying if Tge Vikings beat The Seahawks, The Packers clinch?
Mucky Tundra (21-Dec) : Agreed; you stinks
Zero2Cool (21-Dec) : I'm not beating anyone. I stinks.
Mucky Tundra (21-Dec) : rough injury for tank dell. guy can't catch abreak
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Sunday, Sep 29 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 6 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Oct 13 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 20 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Oct 27 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 3 @ 3:25 PM
Sunday, Nov 17 @ 12:00 PM
Sunday, Nov 24 @ 3:25 PM
Thursday, Nov 28 @ 7:20 PM
Thursday, Dec 5 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 15 @ 7:20 PM
Monday, Dec 23 @ 7:15 PM
Sunday, Dec 29 @ 3:25 PM
Saturday, Jan 4 @ 11:00 PM
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