The two games that have the greatest loss potential are @ Seattle and @ Tampa.
Tampa has been a tough place for Aaron and throw in the fact that Lovie is now there and his ability to slow down Rodgers over the years, I see that as a very tough game for Green Bay.
I actually believe Seattle is the easier of the two games as there will be full focus on beating the SB Champs. We don't have the same "we're owned" mentallity by Seattle that we do for San Francisco. Mike McCarthy said last night they're going to Seattle to "kick ass". Love the bravado.
Hard for me to think we "should lose" any of the remaining games on the schedule. @ New Orleans isn't an easy one, for sure, but Aaron loves playing in his comfortable shoes in domes.
The one game that I think is a gimme that I've seen a lot of people think is a loss is home vs. Carolina. The Panthers have no WR's. It burned me we lost late to the Niners because I think the Packers would've lit the Panthers up in Carolina. I feel the same coming at Lambeau...Green Bay is going to roll the Panthers.
Originally Posted by: uffda udfa