Again I agree with packfanwithtwins.
Dome teams have the advantage in ALL theri home games. So what if the poor little guys will catch a cold in the snow? Are we supposed to CARE?
Isn't football SUPPOSED to be an outdoor sport?
Originally Posted by: Cheesey
I don't care about the game at all. Play it in a monsoon or a blizzard or in 120 degree heat. The teams earned the right to be there and they are paid well for it and that is what their goal was before the season started. I don't think the players care.
As for the fans, I don't really care about them either. If you don't want to pay $2000.00 or more for a social event and risk having to sit in less than perfect conditions then don't. I've often wondered how many of the Super Bowl attendees are just there for the appearance and have never been to another football game or maybe even watched another football game in their life. For those that scrimp and save to be able to afford the cheapest ticket so they can attend a football game, like the players, I don't think they will care about the weather
Why I think it is stupid to have the game in a cold weather city really has nothing to do with the game but the hype leading up to it. Its probably already the most hyped sporting event on the planet so can you imagine the additional crap we are going to have to put up with in the weeks preceding the game. We will have Super Bowl weather watches on every sports site we visit. We will be seeing reporters shivering their asses off while wearing $1000.00 coats that wouldn't keep a polar bear warm in the Sahara all the while complaining about the bitter cold and it will be 50 degrees. I'm not talking about the regular sports reporters, most of them will know what to expect if they have ever done games in Green Bay or Buffalo. I'm talking about the fashion channel or the antique channel or the cross stitch channel that will have reporters there. And before you ask, no I don't watch the fashion channels or the antique channels or the cross stitch channels but we will see them anyway because someone will put the damned interviews on the internet and some ass wipe will post them on a site like this or email them to me because they think they are funny so no, we won't be able to avoid them.
Sorry, got a little off track there. Just think of all the news we see of big snow storms that happen every other time of the year. It will be 100 times worse if it happens during Super Bowl week and nothing will focus on the storm itself or the regular citizens it negatively affects but rather on how some spoiled rich bitch got salt residue on her $2000.00 Gucci boots and it might leave a permanent stain. Or how multi million dollar corporations are losing so much money because the huge snowfall is not allowing them to gouge a many people as they normally would.
That's why I don't like the idea of a cold weather Super Bowl. As far as the game goes it will be a football game and depending on who makes it I may not even watch it.
On your last point, I don't know that football is SUPPOSED to be an outdoor sport. It started out that way because the money or the technology or whatever wasn't there to build the indoor stadiums in the early years of the league.
To say that football is supposed to be an outdoor sport is like saying telephones are supposed to have numbered dials on them and the signals are supposed to travel along wires suspended on huge poles buried in the ground at regular intervals along the highway.