There are a lot of strange high school nicknames.
Here in IL
I had to laugh when I saw Fisher Bunnies. No offense but that is pretty bad.
Never cared for Polo Marcos. It wouldn't be bad if the town was Marcos and they called themselves the Polos. At least it Marco Polo not Polo Marco.
While in HS I had to explain what a Rochelle Hub was all the time. No one seemed to like my explanation. Seems they are the Hub City since 2 highways (old US 51 and IL Rt 38) intersected in town along with 2 railroads crossing there as well. Of course it is not as if no other town or city has two highways or a rail line or two come through the metro limits. I could have accepted this line of reasoning if they crisscrossed in the shape of the spokes on a wheel or was even remotely close but such was not the case. Now they have 2 interstates pass by the edge of town so it is slightly more plausible than 30 years ago.
I have always liked Cobden Appleknockers. Strange but interesting.
Teutopolis Wooden Shoes is a great unique name.
Pekin Dragons is PC lame. Too bad they can't still use Chinks. That was an interesting name.
Hoopeston Cornjerkers
What are some of the more best/worst names of high schools?
And I posted this photo yesterday

It is a good thing to not take yourself too seriously.
In high school I actually played a team that was deaf in basketball. everyone including the coach. It was very interesting. they were tough. The fans chant was a bit unnerving. When the coach wanted to get the attention of his players on the court he stopped his foot. All communication was sign language along with speaking so they would read his lips.