I'm pretty sure that you guys don't get blasted for killing out half a continent of Native Americans anymore, so obviously, we don't get blasted for enslaving half the world and plundering all the spices we could find.
Ironically, we do still call that our Golden Age, but you can't have everything.
If anything slams the US now, it's because you've been at peace for, what? A total of twenty years?
Personally, I don't care. If you feel like you have to bomb every country that looks at you funny, feel free to. I'm not slamming the US, at all. It's absolutely ridiculous to go with generalizations like that, making out the entirety of America for warmongering idiots, while half the people I know would like their country to just pull out of all foreign affairs.
I guess it's time to forgive the Germans, as well, as GermanGilbert makes some good points. It's just hard when every second German rides a bike they stole from us 70 years ago.
Originally Posted by: Rockmolder