We're ok as far as having to evacuate...at least for the time being. The smoke is still awful and people with asthma, and all the other allergies are fleeing like mice off the Titanic.
But.......now we've got the wildlife coming down into the subdivisions trying to flee the fires and smoke. Last night, at 2:30 AM I was out in the backyard letting Murphi, our Wonder Yorkie, do her thing when she goes stone still....low growl and backing up towards me. She's still peeing as she gets right up against my leg, so I shine my flashlight where she's looking and two big glowing eyes are looking back at me about 50 feet away. Mountain Lion!!!
She did a perfect Lambeau Leap into my arms and looked at me with that look of..."What the F_ _ _ is that? I slowly backed up onto the deck and shouted something that sounded like Russian for "Get The Hell Out of Here", or probably interpreted into "Donna, I Need A Change Of Underwear."
The big cat leaped over our fence into the neighbors yard, (better them them than us) and preceeded off into the forest. Ok, fine, but we've also in the last week delt with two Grizzlies that have decided enough is enough where they hang out, and have put up temporary residency about 1/4 mile from us. All we need now is for the wolves to come down for hunting season and we're all set.
Life is good in Paradise!\:d/
Anyone for a Weenie Roast?