Apparently, Family Night scrimmage is not included.
*****Warning - Rant to follow**********-BTW why is "Homeland Security" taking over websites?
-Why would a copyright violation from a foreign website be construed as a National Defense matter?
-Why do taxpayers get burdened with the payroll for some "pointy headed bureaucrat" to shut down the American public's access to foreign websites that re-appear within hours under a slightly different name?
-If copyrights are so important, why aren't the government stormtroopers and secret police raiding public libraries and burning the books? After all, the public is accessing copyrighted material at those libraries....for free!!
How about the government go after a monopoly like the NFL? The NFL for years has forced me to only view Raiders and 49'ers games. Why am I not allowed access to
My choice of their products? If the Packers games are free access in Minnesota and Michigan why not California? What ever happened to free trade?
Yes, Yes, Yes, with satellite equipment and de-scramblers I can have it for "free" as it should be. Yes there is now pay per view products. I also downloaded torrents of ll the games so I could watch them again this offseason. That is private entertainment purposes for their audience. I should not have to pay anything and get the same deal as other American consumers of the video stream. I sat through plenty of commercials to pay for it.
If they have a satellite radiating electronic beams through my residence without my consent, I have the right to access the radiation invading my home.
*********Rant complete**************Anyway, I know some websites with ever changing names where I can watch the Packers games.
For those out of area people that want to watch the Family Night Scrimmage, it is streamed here: That is if you don't want to the guy in the corner of a sports bar in Northern California watching it and have some joker interrupt you to ask "Who's winning?"