There are young people murdered around the country EVERY DAY.
Why does this one get so much attention?
They ALL should be addressed.
Yet 99.9% of them are ignored.
I guess the others arn't "sensational" enough.
So let's throw this one man in prison for life, even though the case was gone over and there doesn't seem to be enough evidence to charge him with a crime.
Believe me, if there was, you can bet he'd be in jail right now.
Especially with all the hoopla from Sharpton and Jackson.
You can BET the D.A. there has gone oveer this with a fine tooth comb, for fear of being labled a "racist" for not automatically jailing Zimmerman.
As i have said, i wasn't there, haven't been allowed to view the evidence, so i don't feel like i can make a judgement either way.
But one thing for sure is that i wouldn't condemn a man without having evidence against him.
Let's face the truth....there was more evidence that OJ Simpson murdered his ex-wife and her friend then there is against this man.
Yet we know how THAT turned out.