My wife sent me a note yesterday suggesting that we head to Pennsylvanian next summer for the 150th anniversary of Gettysburg. I told her I wouldn't want to be there on the 4th as the crowds will be horrendous.
I got the bright idea of tying it in with a couple of ball games. I checked the schedule and saw that StL plays in Cincinnati on Aug 24-26 they then go on to Pittsburgh Aug 27-29. That is prefect! Maybe we could even catch a game in DC on Aug 30-31st before heading home. (They are actually there through Sept 2nd.)
Great we both agreed. I looked at the prices for tickets. Looks like we will be able to get some pretty reasonable ones. That is one of the nice things about following StL out of town. Teams like Cincinnati and Pittsburgh don't have the winning tradition of the Cardinals . They don't have the attendance that StL does so they have to have lower prices.
I was laying out an tentative itinerary when I realized I was looking at the 2012 schedule and planning for the summer of 2013.
Sitting at my computer I was trying to figure out if we could do it this year instead of next year. The crowds will certainly be less at the battlefield.
The one thing that keeps getting in the way is that we have a major remodeling project underway on our house. Fixing some things in the attic. More insulation, new bath, new windows. Fixing the cracks in the ceilings. Paint of course. Taking out a couple of windows and putting in french doors. A deck off the new door. The kitchen needs an upgrade too but that may have to wait a while.
Oh the torture- a baseball/ civil war vacation or some much needed repairs to the house. 😣
If I only had the unlimited income that ZS has. :-"