I have no problem with someone setting prices "as high as the market will bear." I have a problem with people setting prices higher than the market will bear, or engaging in other stupid practices that demonstrate serious inattention to their customer's real values.
I have a theory, but have collected no empirical evidence other than my personal impressions [which of course makes it worth only slightly more than Messr. Jeremy's toilet paper]:
The kind of business practice DakotaT describes here, more than "corps sitting on billions of cash" or "national debt" or any of the other usual suspects, is what explains the American economy's moribundity. We have too entirely many "businessmen" and "business models" out there that take this kind of approach (banks, cable, any phone company, any business that falls back on the small print and lawyer-written disclaimers with regularity, any goddamn government agency, any goddamn insurance company, etc.). And American consumers, not interested in being bent over, are saying "no, not today."
Because, again, it takes two to tango. No matter how much we might cry about "needing X, Y, and Z", we reveal that we don't need them unless they come with quality attention to us.
My belief is that the economy will stay in the toilet until more American businesses discover that real customer service takes more than some stupid autoresponding "tell us what you think of what you just bought" survey that your marketing department just uses to send more email spam, until more American businesses discover that real customer service means having real people answer the phone instead of using "push 1 for rape, push 2 for doggie style, push 3 to return to the main menu," until more American businesses discover that real customer service means one all inclusive price rather than a fake low price plus six add-ons that 99% of buyers always buy, until more American businesses discover that real customer service means recognizing that neither their American customers nor their non-American customers are morons.
Lazy, often. Unthinking, far too often. Illogical and ignorant, those, too.
But too stupid to realize that they can say no to being beaten (or having other things done) with a baseball bat? Not hardly.
Originally Posted by: Wade