Well....here we go......if you believe the Bible is the word of God, then you should be against gay sex.
And yes, it is a choice. You can choose NOT to have sex with someone of the same sex as you.
Just as someone that has sexual feelings towards children, or barn animals. You can act on the impulses, or not.
If a woman has a "choice" whether or not to kill or not kill her unborn child, you think a person can't make a choice as far as acting on their sexual impulses?
Like most everything in our lives, we make choices.
By the way, i don't hate gay people. I hate their sin.
Originally Posted by: Cheesey
Well, yes and no.
1. Sodom and Gomorrah were places of sin, but not because of particular choices of dangly bit behavior. It was their idolatry of sex. Just like, alas, my heterosexual lusting after Jessica Biel is sinful. Homosexuality that puts the homosexual relationship "above God" is sinful. Homosexuality that places more emphasis on loving the human lover than on loving God is sinful.
2. But even to the extent that what they do is "sinful", it's not my place or yours to hate their sin. That's God's job, and God's job alone.
I have too much sin of my own to hate. If I spend time hating someone else's, then I'm not going to be hating mine enough. If I'm spending time judging the choices of others -- whether I'm judging the others directly, or just their choices -- then I'm doing something other than putting Him first in my life. I'm saying to Him that I don't trust Him with the salvation of others. I'm saying to Him that I don't really have to strive with all my heart and all my mind and all my soul to love Him, that I've got time to do this judging and hating thing, too.
Which, of course, is blasphemy.
My job, and yours, is to believe in Him. Not to return to the world before Christ and emphasize this or that part of the Law. Without the Gospel, we're damned regardless of what sexual practices we do or do not follow; with faith in the Gospel made man, died, and resurrected, we're cleansed of all sexual sins.
Key words, of course, are "with faith." We have to believe, in our hearts, that what we are striving toward first and foremost and always is loving as He would have us love. But if I do that, the fact that I get this or that "rule" wrong or not isn't going to matter one whit to God. As long as I'm trying to satisfy Him, my sins are forgiven.
That's the problem with a lot of homosexuals. (And, ahem, a lot of non-homosexuals.) They aren't really trying to please Him. They're focusing only on what pleases them.
The gay dude who says "I don't care what God says" is damned. So is the hetero guy who says "I can do whatever I want because God has forgiven all my sins."
But deciding that damnation, that's still God's job. I don't have what it takes to do that kind of judging. Even for myself, much less for someone else.
Lucky for me, lucky for all of us, there is no scorecard or grade book any more. Or, rather, there's only one test on which we are going to be graded, and its strictly pass/fail grading: "Do you believe and strive to please Him above all?" If you do, you're in regardless of how and where you fall short in practice. If you don't, you can obey all the Old Testament rules of sex and diet and all the rest, and you're still toast.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)