I guess I'm just odd.
I never saw dancing as a way of meeting women.
Part of this is my natural wussiness/social anxiety/whatever. At any event where I don't know most of the people I'm going to tend to either talk to the two people I know or return to wallflower mode.
But another part is that dancing to me has always been something that one does for the doing, not as a means to some other end. For me, it's like cross country running used to be, or like cooking can be now. Except that unlike those things, when you're "in the zone" dancing, you're not alone in your own little world, but your in the zone in tandem with another person.
A kind of partnership, I suppose.
Or I'm just full of shit. Could be that, too.
p.s. I keep telling you, you guys don't need to worry about getting me laid. What I need is social skills and the ability to overcome these silly fears of people I have. Finding me a business partner who shares my weirdo vision and could counterbalance my business weaknesses would be cool, too. š
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2 (NKJV)