I appreciate the breakdown pack93z, it really helped in understanding most of this hot mess.
One thing that I agree with is the rookie salary cap. I think the way these rookies have been getting paid is completely outrageous and almost to the point of disgust.
Sam Bradford agreed to a 6 year/78 million contract and the kicker, $50 million of that is guaranteed. Why in the hell should someone like Sam Bradford receive such a deal like that? May I add in case people forgot, that Sam Bradford completely jacked up his shoulder in his senior year of college football.
(Though I don't like the Mannings) I found this article written in 2009, trying to find contract info for quarterbacks that have earned what they are getting paid.
Eli Manning was at one point the highest paid player, earning $16.25 million a season. Peyton was making $15.66 million a season. That right there is messed up too...
Bradford's contract has him at $14 million per season and hell...if he drops on that shoulder and breaks it again, who cares because $50 million of his contract is guaranteed.That is just an example.
Everything I have read so far puts me on the players side. The thing that really kills me is the "other people" being left out of the talks here. You know, the average-joes similar to you and I like the beer vendor in Detroit, mentioned in Mortensen's article. What happens to these guys? Eventually if there is a lockout, you would think most NFL players can afford 1 year of no job (at least I think they can) and of course that is if the lockout only lasted a season. What about the 150,000 jobs around the NFL, the people not making 10-15 million a season? Those are the people I really think about in this whole mess.